
UK Data Service variable record for:

Workplace Employee Relations Survey, 2004: Cross-Section Survey, 2004 and Panel Survey, 1998-2004; Wave 2

Variable Details

LabelChanges not introduced without discussion with employees
Question text I’m going to read out ten statements, and for each of them, I’d like you to tell me what you think about these issues. Please use the categories on this card. We do not introduce any changes here without first discussing the implications with employees.
1 Strongly agree 403
2 Agree 1176
3 Neither agree nor disagree 274
4 Disagree 312
5 Strongly disagree 25
8 Not answered 0
9 Dont know 0
-9 DK/NA 1
-1 Not asked 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationWorkplace Employee Relations Survey, 2004: Cross-Section Survey, 2004 and Panel Survey, 1998-2004; Wave 2
UniverseCross-section survey: all establishments in Britain with five or more employees and operating in Sections D-O of the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2003). The panel element was conducted with managers from establishments that had taken part in the WERS 98 cross-section management survey.;Employees;Establishments;Managers;Trade union officers;National
SamplingOne-stage stratified or systematic random sample; Multi-stage stratified random sample
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study