
UK Data Service variable record for:

British Crime Survey, 2003-2004

Variable Details

LabelYouth Final Outcome Code (where Youth Screening Outcome = 82)
16 Residential address but no contact with anyone at address/DU 0
17 Contact made at residential address but information refused 0
31 Office refusal 2
33 Needed parental permission but no contact with parent 1
34 Needed parental permission but parental permission refused 22
35 Person selected but no contact with selected person 96
36 Refusal by selected person before interview 183
37 Proxy refusal 97
39 Broken appointment with selected person 42
40 Selected person ill at home during survey period 4
41 Selected person away or in hospital all survey period 62
42 Selected person physically/mentally unable to be interviewed 19
43 Selected person has inadequate English 4
44 Other unproductive 41
51 Full interview 2127
52 Partial interview 8
80 Main respondent aged 16-24 3053
81 No 16-24 year old identified at address 29160
82 16-24 year old identified 0
83 Information refused 30
84 No Youth screening 807
Sysmiss 2173
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationBritish Crime Survey, 2003-2004