
UK Data Service variable record for:

Young Life and Times Survey, 2005

Variable Details

LabelQ18 - Why do you think that you will leave-Because of relationship?
Question text Why do you think that you will leave? [Northern Ireland] Because of a relationship.
1 Yes 9
2 No 284
99 Not answered 0
999 N/A 0
-1 Skip, not plan to leave 526
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationYoung Life and Times Survey, 2005
Interviewer InstructionsPlease tick all boxes that apply
UniverseNorthern Irish young people;National;Young people in Northern Ireland whose 16th birthday was in February 2005.
SamplingNo sampling (total universe)
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study. Some survey questions are repeated annually