
UK Data Service variable record for:

General Household Survey, 2004-2005

Variable Details

LabelFloor level
Question text What is the floor level of the main living part of the accommodation?
-9 DNA 7147
-8 NA 0
1 Basement semi-basement 46
2 Ground floor street level 565
3 1st floor 561
4 2nd floor 189
5 3rd floor 92
6 4th to 9th floor 74
7 10th floor or higher 26
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationGeneral Household Survey, 2004-2005
Interviewer InstructionsASK OR RECORD.
UniversePrivate households in Great Britain;Households;National
SamplingSee documentation for details
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study