
UK Data Service variable record for:

Quarterly Labour Force Survey, April - June, 2001

Variable Details

LabelMinor occupation group (main job)
111 111 Corporate Managers & Senr Officials 258
112 112 Production Managers 1260
113 113 Functional Managers 2332
114 114 Quality and Customer Care Managers 236
115 115 Financial Instit and Office Managers 761
116 116 Mngrs in Distrib, Storage and Retail 1135
117 117 Protective Service Officers 158
118 118 Health and Social Services Managers 403
121 121 Mngrs in Farming, Hort, Forestry etc 97
122 122 Managers in Hospitality and Leisure 620
123 123 Managers in Other Service Industries 1207
211 211 Science Professionals 261
212 212 Engineering Professionals 902
213 213 Info & Communication Technology 938
221 221 Health Professionals 579
231 231 Teaching Professionals 2621
232 232 Research Professionals 121
241 241 Legal Professionals 312
242 242 Business & Statistical Professionals 707
243 243 Architects, Town Planners, Surveyors 359
244 244 Public Service Professionals 368
245 245 Librarians and Related Professionals 82
311 311 Science and Engineering Techinicians 584
312 312 Draughtspersons & Bldng Inspectors 160
313 313 IT Service Delivery Occupations 405
321 321 Health Associate Professionals 1406
322 322 Therapists 256
323 323 Social Welfare Assoc Professionals 421
331 331 Protective Service Occupations 709
341 341 Artistic and Literary Occupations 326
342 342 Design Associate Professionals 276
343 343 Media Associate Professionals 353
344 344 Sports and Fitness Occupations 182
351 351 Transport Associate Professionals 133
352 352 Legal Associate Professionals 55
353 353 Business & Finance Assoc Professnls 954
354 354 Sales & Related Assoc Professionals 979
355 355 Conservation Associate Professionals 46
356 356 Public Service and Other Assoc Prof 865
411 411 Administrative: Government & Related 1190
412 412 Administrative Occupations: Finance 1949
413 413 Administrative Occupations: Records 1459
414 414 Administrative: Communications 194
415 415 Administrative Occupations: General 1454
421 421 Secretarial and Related Occupations 2282
511 511 Agricultural Trades 623
521 521 Metal Forming, Welding and Related 395
522 522 Metal Machning, Fitting, Instr Makng 949
523 523 Vehicle Trades 621
524 524 Electrical Trades 1046
531 531 Construction Trades 1723
532 532 Building Trades 514
541 541 Textiles and Garment Trades 135
542 542 Printing Trades 243
543 543 Food Preparation Trades 737
549 549 Skilled Trades n.e.c 278
611 611 Healthcare & Reltd Personal Services 2055
612 612 Childcare & Reltd Personal Services 1326
613 613 Animal Care Services 90
621 621 Leisure & Travel Service Occupations 437
622 622 Hairdressers and Related Occupations 411
623 623 Housekeeping Occupations 288
629 629 Personal Services Occupations n.e.c 33
711 711 Sales Assistants and Retail Cashiers 3582
712 712 Sales Related Occupations 565
721 721 Customer Service Occupations 721
811 811 Process Operatives 973
812 812 Plant and Machine Operatives 609
813 813 Assemblers and Routine Operatives 1064
814 814 Construction Operatives 321
821 821 Transport Drivers and Operatives 1978
822 822 Mobile Machine Drivers & Operatives 362
911 911 Elementary Agricultural Occupations 260
912 912 Elementary Construction Occupations 473
913 913 Elementary Process Plant Occupations 692
914 914 Elementary Goods Storage Occupations 945
921 921 Elementary Administration Occupatns 643
922 922 Elementary Personal Service Occuptns 1910
923 923 Elementary Cleaning Occupations 1760
924 924 Elementary Security Occupations 650
925 925 Elementary Sales Occupations 354
-9 Does not apply 77130
-8 No answer 24
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationQuarterly Labour Force Survey, April - June, 2001
UniverseAll persons normally resident in private households in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. From winter 1994-1995, Northern Ireland is included in each quarter. Prior to this, data were only collected there in the March-May quarter each year. When the LFS moved to a quarterly cycle, two new groups of people were included in the survey to improve the coverage of young people: residents in National Health Service (NHS) hospital accommodation (formerly called nurses' homes), and students living in halls of residence or boarding schools.<br>Northern Ireland is not included in the Local Area Data files before 1997.;Households;National
SamplingSimple random sample;Four sampling frames are used. For Great Britain, south of the Caledonian Canal, the Post Office Address File is used, whilst north of the Caledonian Canal, a random sample is drawn from the published telephone directory. The sample of residents in NHS accommodation is also drawn, unclustered, for the whole of Great Britain using a specially-prepared frame. In Northern Ireland, the source of the sample is the Valuation List used for rating purposes, excluding commercial units and known institutions. Households are interviewed on five occasions at quarterly intervals, thereby introducing a panel element to the survey. For further details see documentation.
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study. Data are collected quarterly.