
UK Data Service variable record for:

Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey, 2005

Variable Details

LabelQ34: Devices to help with pain relief (e.g. TENS machine)
Question text Do you yourself regularly take or use any of the following types of complementary therapy products? Devices to help with pain relief (e.g. TENS machine).
1 Yes 24
2 No 1176
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationNorthern Ireland Life and Times Survey, 2005
Interviewer InstructionsSHOWCARD. CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
UniverseNorthern Irish adults;National;Adults aged 18 or over living in private households in Northern Ireland during 2005.
SamplingOne-stage stratified or systematic random sample
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study