
UK Data Service variable record for:

Quarterly Labour Force Survey Household Dataset, April - June, 2005

Variable Details

LabelHolds Educational / training quals frm-2
Question text I would now like to ask you about education and work-related training. Do you have any qualifications from school, college or university; connected with work; from government schemes; from a Modern Apprenticeship; from having been educated at home, when you were of school age? Response 2
1 From school, college, or university 275
2 Connected with work 26088
3 From government schemes 709
4 From a Modern Apprenticeship 137
5 From being educated at home, as a child 42
6 No qualifications 0
7 Don't know 0
-10 No answer/Does not apply 99336
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationQuarterly Labour Force Survey Household Dataset, April - June, 2005
Interviewer InstructionsCODE ALL THAT APPLY
UniverseHouseholds in Great Britain and Northern Ireland;Households;National
SamplingSample drawn from main LFS data. See documentation for details.
Study TypeData are produced from the spring and autumn quarters of the main LFS each year.