
UK Data Service variable record for:

British Election Study, 2005: Face-to-Face Survey

Variable Details

LabelPolitics Too Difficult to Understand
Question text Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is often difficult for me to understand what is going on in government and politics.
1 Strongly agree 47
2 Agree 306
3 Neither 237
4 Disagree 274
5 Strongly Disagree 56
6 Don't Know 11
99 NA 3860
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationBritish Election Study, 2005: Face-to-Face Survey
UniverseElectors resident in Great Britain during 2005.;National
SamplingMulti-stage stratified random sample;See documentation for details.
Study TypeCross-sectional (one-time) study. The dataset contains both pre- and post-election survey waves.