
UK Data Service variable record for:

Childcare and Early Years Provision: Parents' Use, Views and Experiences, 2004

Variable Details

LabelReason for not working: not employed: not on maternity leave: no disability
1 I cannot find free/cheap childcare which would make working 6
2 I cannot find good quality childcare 2
3 I cannot afford good quality childcare 9
4 I cannot find reliable childcare 1
5 I cannot find childcare for the hours/days I need for work 4
6 I cannot find childcare near where I live 3
7 I want to stay with my child(ren) 12
8 My child(ren) is/are too young 33
9 My child(ren) would suffer if I went out to work 10
10 child(ren) has/have a long term illness/disability/spec need 6
11 Other reason(s) 1
12 None of these 0
98 Refusal 0
99 Don t Know 0
Sysmiss 474
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationChildcare and Early Years Provision: Parents' Use, Views and Experiences, 2004