
UK Data Service variable record for:

1970 British Cohort Study: Twenty-Nine-Year Follow-up, 1999-2000

Variable Details

Question text What are you currently doing?
1 F/t paid employee (30+ hrs) 2
2 P/t paid employee (lt 30 hrs) 4
3 F/t self-employed 0
4 P/t self-employed 0
5 Unemployed seeking work 3
6 F/t education 2
7 Government training scheme 1
8 Temporarily sick/disabled 1
9 Permanently sick/disabled 3
10 Looking after home/family 6
11 Wholly retired 0
12 Employed but status unclear 8
13 Self-employed, not known if FT/PT 3
14 Employed, but unpaid 0
15 Voluntary work 5
16 Part-time education 10
17 Maternity leave 41
18 Travelling 1
19 Prison 7
20 Other 35
21 Irrelevant/unspecific response 2
Sysmiss 11127
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
Location1970 British Cohort Study: Twenty-Nine-Year Follow-up, 1999-2000
Interviewer InstructionsENTER DETAILS
UniverseLocation of units of observation: National;Population: The original BCS70 sample included all children born in one week in 1970 in the United Kingdom, but waves beyond the initial birth survey have generally only included Great Britain.
SamplingNo sampling (total universe)
Study TypeLongitudinal/panel/cohort