
UK Data Service variable record for:

1970 British Cohort Study: Twenty-Nine-Year Follow-up, 1999-2000

Variable Details

LabelDate started current activity (derived)
01011977 1
01011985 1
01011986 11
01011987 23
01011988 31
01011989 29
01011990 47
01011991 42
01011992 29
01011993 32
01011994 53
01011995 61
01011996 70
01011997 80
01011998 121
01011999 164
01012000 243
01021980 1
01021986 4
01021987 15
01021988 22
01021989 27
01021990 36
01021991 19
01021992 27
01021993 28
01021994 42
01021995 44
01021996 55
01021997 74
01021998 84
01021999 145
01022000 157
01031970 2
01031986 7
01031987 21
01031988 19
01031989 28
01031990 38
01031991 37
01031992 30
01031993 42
01031994 31
01031995 52
01031996 55
01031997 81
01031998 111
01031999 164
01032000 122
01041958 1
01041970 4
01041972 1
01041980 1
01041985 1
01041986 50
01041987 20
01041988 31
01041989 34
01041990 45
01041991 45
01041992 32
01041993 43
01041994 52
01041995 80
01041996 89
01041997 120
01041998 131
01041999 183
01042000 86
01051980 1
01051985 1
01051986 23
01051987 22
01051988 30
01051989 28
01051990 27
01051991 23
01051992 32
01051993 33
01051994 37
01051995 58
01051996 65
01051997 83
01051998 102
01051999 128
01052000 35
01061976 1
01061977 1
01061981 1
01061983 1
01061984 3
01061986 82
01061987 41
01061988 60
01061989 38
01061990 47
01061991 36
01061992 42
01061993 39
01061994 52
01061995 60
01061996 81
01061997 103
01061998 120
01061999 177
01062000 28
01071970 1
01071977 1
01071983 1
01071985 4
01071986 82
01071987 34
01071988 36
01071989 34
01071990 20
01071991 39
01071992 30
01071993 23
01071994 42
01071995 59
01071996 49
01071997 70
01071998 113
01071999 155
01072000 17
01081981 1
01081986 93
01081987 32
01081988 69
01081989 33
01081990 25
01081991 26
01081992 40
01081993 46
01081994 70
01081995 68
01081996 72
01081997 83
01081998 127
01081999 214
01082000 7
01091976 1
01091980 1
01091982 1
01091986 123
01091987 61
01091988 66
01091989 46
01091990 39
01091991 45
01091992 84
01091993 86
01091994 96
01091995 92
01091996 117
01091997 160
01091998 244
01091999 338
01092000 9
01101979 1
01101985 1
01101986 31
01101987 25
01101988 48
01101989 30
01101990 23
01101991 30
01101992 32
01101993 44
01101994 48
01101995 63
01101996 94
01101997 103
01101998 133
01101999 269
01111986 21
01111987 26
01111988 27
01111989 26
01111990 21
01111991 30
01111992 33
01111993 33
01111994 42
01111995 56
01111996 62
01111997 83
01111998 137
01111999 247
01121985 1
01121986 8
01121987 7
01121988 16
01121989 17
01121990 18
01121991 14
01121992 22
01121993 20
01121994 22
01121995 33
01121996 54
01121997 64
01121998 77
01121999 154
01122000 1
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
Location1970 British Cohort Study: Twenty-Nine-Year Follow-up, 1999-2000
UniverseLocation of units of observation: National;Population: The original BCS70 sample included all children born in one week in 1970 in the United Kingdom, but waves beyond the initial birth survey have generally only included Great Britain.
SamplingNo sampling (total universe)
Study TypeLongitudinal/panel/cohort