
UK Data Service variable record for:

National Child Development Study: Sweep 5, 1991

Variable Details

LabelWDYT:11,F9 Wives who don't have to work should not do so
Question text Below are statements on some more topics. To what extent do you AGREE or DISAGREE with these statements? Please circle one number for each statement. Wives who don't have to work should not do so.
1 Strongly agree 301
2 Agree 1926
3 Uncertain 1556
4 Disagree 5797
5 Strongly disagree 1132
Sysmiss 757
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationNational Child Development Study: Sweep 5, 1991
UniverseAdults in Great Britain born one particular week in 1958 (NCDS respondents were aged 33 at the time of NCDS5).;National
SamplingNo sampling (total universe);See documentation for further details.
Study TypeLongitudinal/panel/cohort