
UK Data Service variable record for:

ONS Omnibus Survey, Internet Access Module, May, July and October, 2005

Variable Details

LabelDV for all Internet activities in last 3 months
1 Using e-mail 0
2 Telephoning over the Internet / Video conferencing 0
3 Other communication (eg chat rooms) 0
4 Searching for information about goods or services 0
5 Searching for information about travel and accommodation 0
6 Listening to web radios 0
7 Playing or downloading music 0
8 Playing or downloading games 0
9 Downloading images 0
10 Downloading other software 0
11 Reading or downloading on-line news 0
12 General browsing or surfing 0
13 Looking for a job or sending a job application 0
14 Internet banking 0
15 Other financial services 0
16 Buying goods, tickets or services 0
17 Selling goods or services 0
18 Activities related to an education course 0
19 Activities related specifically to employment 0
20 Other educational activities 0
21 Looking for health information 0
22 Making an appointment with health professional 7
23 Seeking medical advice on-line 0
24 Requesting prescription on-line 0
25 None of these 0
Sysmiss 1240
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationONS Omnibus Survey, Internet Access Module, May, July and October, 2005