
UK Data Service variable record for:

Welsh Health Survey, 2003-2004

Variable Details

Label36a Light exercise Thursday
Question text During the 7 days ending yesterday, on which days did you do LIGHT exercise or physical activity for at least 30 minutes? Blocks of activity lasting at least 10 minutes, which were done on the same day, can be counted towards the full 30 minutes. Include physical activity which is part of your job. Light exercise/activity. For example Housework (eg hoovering, dusting), walking at an average pace, golf, light gardening (eg weeding). Thursday.
0 No 5181
1 Yes 10681
-9 No answer/refused 436
-8 Don't know 0
-7 Refused/not obtained 0
-6 Schedule not obtained 0
-2 Schedule not applicable 0
-1 Item not applicable 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationWelsh Health Survey, 2003-2004
UniverseAdults aged 16 and over resident in Wales during 2003-2004, and children in the same households.;National
SamplingMulti-stage stratified random sample
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study