
UK Data Service variable record for:

British Crime Survey, 2006-2007

Variable Details

LabelWhere did it happen
1 Own home or own garage (including attempted break-in) 2477
2 Immediately outside home (inc. shed, garden, street, etc.) 8716
3 In or near victim's place of work (including work car park) 1099
4 In public car park 518
5 In/around pub/bar/night club/working men's club 854
6 In/around dancehall/disco 39
7 In/around football ground/other sports ground 70
8 In/around sports centre/sports club 130
9 In/around other place of public entertainment 240
10 Travelling on transport or near transport facilities 352
11 In/around petrol station forecourt 30
12 Other public or commercial locations 1270
13 Elsewhere 1956
98 Refused 5
99 Don't know 97
Sysmiss 194
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationBritish Crime Survey, 2006-2007