
UK Data Service variable record for:

Growing Up in Scotland: Cohort 1, Sweeps 1-6, 2005-2011

Variable Details

LabelDoes your household own or rent this accommodation (SW1)
1 Owns with mortgage / loan 1594
2 Owns outright 88
3 Rents from Local Authority / Council 444
4 Rents from Housing Association 176
5 Rents - privately, @Bun@Bfurnished 101
6 Rents - privately, furnished 48
7 Rents from employer 15
8 Rents - other with payment 6
9 Rent free 25
-9 Refusal 1
-8 Don't Know 2
-2 Schedule not applicable 0
-1 Item not applicable 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationGrowing Up in Scotland: Cohort 1, Sweeps 1-6, 2005-2011