
UK Data Service variable record for:

Labour Force Survey Two-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, April - September, 2007

Variable Details

LabelOccupation (main job)
1111 1111 Senior officials in national gov 8
1112 1112 Directors & chief execs of maj orgs 60
1113 1113 Senior officials in local gov 27
1114 1114 Sen. officials spec interest orgs 23
1121 1121 Prod. works & maintenance managers 425
1122 1122 Managers in construction 263
1123 1123 Managers in mining and energy 15
1131 1131 Financial managers & chartered secs 242
1132 1132 Marketing and sales managers 542
1133 1133 Purchasing managers 50
1134 1134 Advertising & public rel managers 43
1135 1135 Pers training & ind rel mngers 143
1136 1136 Info & communication technol mngers 309
1137 1137 Research and development managers 71
1141 1141 Quality assurance managers 56
1142 1142 Customer care managers 89
1151 1151 Financial institution managers 163
1152 1152 Office managers 278
1161 1161 Transport and distribution managers 81
1162 1162 Storage and warehouse managers 92
1163 1163 Retail and wholesale managers 398
1171 1171 Officers in armed forces 30
1172 1172 Police officers (inspectrs & above) 18
1173 1173 Snr officers fire, amb, prson et al 23
1174 1174 Security managers 17
1181 1181 Hospital and health service mngers 86
1182 1182 Pharmacy managers 5
1183 1183 Healthcare practice managers 23
1184 1184 Social services managers 52
1185 1185 Residential and day care managers 47
1211 1211 Farm managers 29
1212 1212 Natural environ & cons managers 6
1219 1219 Mngr anml hsbndry, frst, fish nec. 10
1221 1221 Hotel and accommodation managers 59
1222 1222 Conference and exhibition managers 17
1223 1223 Restaurant and catering managers 148
1224 1224 Publicans & managrs licensed prmses 39
1225 1225 Leisure and sports managers 47
1226 1226 Travel agency managers 9
1231 1231 Property, housing and land managers 101
1232 1232 Garage managers and proprietors 44
1233 1233 Hairdrs & beauty slon mngr & props 23
1234 1234 Shopkprs, wholesale & retail dealrs 149
1235 1235 Recyc and refuse disposal managers 12
1239 1239 Mngers and prop. In other srvcs NEC 192
2111 2111 Chemists 26
2112 2112 Bio scientists and biochemists 97
2113 2113 Physts, geologists & meteorologists 24
2121 2121 Civil engineers 75
2122 2122 Mechanical engineers 92
2123 2123 Electrical engineers 57
2124 2124 Electronics engineers 31
2125 2125 Chemical engineers 14
2126 2126 Design and development engineers 81
2127 2127 Production and process engineers 32
2128 2128 Planning and qlty control engineers 34
2129 2129 Engineering professionals n.e.c. 92
2131 2131 IT strategy and planning prfsnals 146
2132 2132 Software professionals 316
2211 2211 Medical practitioners 205
2212 2212 Psychologists 20
2213 2213 Pharmacists & pharmacologists 53
2214 2214 Ophthalmic opticians 14
2215 2215 Dental practitioners 28
2216 2216 Veterinarians 14
2311 2311 Higher educ teaching prfsnals 143
2312 2312 Further educ teaching prfsnals 140
2313 2313 educ officers,school inspectrs 31
2314 2314 Secondary eductn teaching prfsnals 465
2315 2315 Prim & nurs eductn teaching profs 459
2316 2316 Spec needs educ teaching profs 84
2317 2317 Registrs & sen admins ed establish 35
2319 2319 Teaching professionals n.e.c. 162
2321 2321 Scientific researchers 17
2322 2322 Social science researchers 18
2329 2329 Researchers n.e.c. 40
2411 2411 Solic & lawyers, judges & coroners 146
2419 2419 Legal professionals n.e.c. 18
2421 2421 Chartered and certified accountants 170
2422 2422 Management accountants 79
2423 2423 Mngmnt cons, actuar, econs & statn 177
2431 2431 Architects 62
2432 2432 Town planners 23
2433 2433 Quantity surveyors 29
2434 2434 Chartrd surveyors (not qntity surv) 44
2441 2441 Public service administrative profs 50
2442 2442 Social workers 105
2443 2443 Probation officers 14
2444 2444 Clergy 46
2451 2451 Librarians 37
2452 2452 Archivists and curators 10
3111 3111 Laboratory technicians 75
3112 3112 Electrical & electronic technicians 39
3113 3113 Engineering technicians 76
3114 3114 Build & civil eng technicians 26
3115 3115 Quality assurance technicians 26
3119 3119 Science & eng technicians n.e.c. 45
3121 3121 Archt technols & town plan technics 30
3122 3122 Draughtspersons 49
3123 3123 Building inspectors 5
3131 3131 IT operations technicians 126
3132 3132 IT user support technicians 52
3211 3211 Nurses 611
3212 3212 Midwives 46
3213 3213 Paramedics 24
3214 3214 Medical radiographers 34
3215 3215 Chiropodists 10
3216 3216 Dispensing opticians 3
3217 3217 Pharmaceutical dispensers 32
3218 3218 Medical and dental technicians 27
3221 3221 Physiotherapists 33
3222 3222 Occupational therapists 38
3223 3223 Speech and language therapists 19
3229 3229 Therapists n.e.c. 61
3231 3231 Youth and community workers 97
3232 3232 Housing and welfare officers 158
3311 3311 NCOs and other ranks 49
3312 3312 Police offcrs (sergeant and below) 183
3313 3313 Fire serv off (leading off & below) 37
3314 3314 Prison serv off (below princ off) 43
3319 3319 Protective servcs assoc prfsnls NEC 33
3411 3411 Artists 30
3412 3412 Authors, writers 70
3413 3413 Actors, entertainers 19
3414 3414 Dancers and choreographers 3
3415 3415 Musicians 30
3416 3416 Arts officrs, prdcers and directors 19
3421 3421 Graphic designers 84
3422 3422 Product, clothing & related dsgners 51
3431 3431 Journalists, newsppr & period eds 58
3432 3432 Broadcasting associate prfssnals 37
3433 3433 Public relations officers 42
3434 3434 Photo. & audio-visual equip operats 54
3441 3441 Sports players 14
3442 3442 Sports coaches, instruc & officials 39
3443 3443 Fitness instructors 20
3449 3449 Sports and fitness occupations nec. 6
3511 3511 Air traffic controllers 9
3512 3512 Aircraft pilots and flight enginrs 14
3513 3513 Ship and hovercraft officers 17
3514 3514 Train drivers 16
3520 3520 Legal associate professionals 51
3529 3529 Legal associate professionals N.E.C 0
3531 3531 Estimators, valuers and assessors 75
3532 3532 Brokers 42
3533 3533 Insurance underwriters 29
3534 3534 Fin. & invest. analyst & advisers 163
3535 3535 Taxation experts 32
3536 3536 Importers, exporters 5
3537 3537 Financial and accounting techs 23
3539 3539 Business & related assoc profs nec. 143
3541 3541 Buyers and purchasing officers 62
3542 3542 Sales representatives 211
3543 3543 Marketing associate professionals 117
3544 3544 Estate agents, auctioneers 23
3551 3551 Conservat & environ protection offs 26
3552 3552 Countryside and park rangers 4
3561 3561 Public serv associate professionals 89
3562 3562 Personnel & ind relations offs 158
3563 3563 Vocatn & indust trainrs & instrctrs 161
3564 3564 Car. advis & voction guidnce spcils 24
3565 3565 Inspcts fact, utils & trdng stndrds 16
3566 3566 Statutory examiners 18
3567 3567 Occupl hygnists & health sfty offs 43
3568 3568 Environmental health officers 13
4111 4111 Civil Service executive officers 89
4112 4112 Civil Serv admin offcrs and assists 271
4113 4113 Local gov clerical offs & assists 209
4114 4114 Officers non-gov organisations 58
4121 4121 Credit controllers 45
4122 4122 Accnts wages clerk, bookkeeper 568
4123 4123 Counter clerks 190
4131 4131 Filng & othr recrds assists & clrks 153
4132 4132 Pensions and insurance clrks 66
4133 4133 Stock control clerks 131
4134 4134 Transport and distribution clerks 60
4135 4135 Library assistants & clerks 64
4136 4136 Database assistants & clerks 54
4137 4137 Market research interviewers 16
4141 4141 Telephonists 23
4142 4142 Communication operators 33
4150 4150 General office assistants or clerks 665
4211 4211 Medical secretaries 92
4212 4212 Legal secretaries 52
4213 4213 School secretaries 80
4214 4214 Company secretaries 48
4215 4215 Personal assists & othr secretaries 337
4216 4216 Receptionists 231
4217 4217 Typists 18
5111 5111 Farmers 107
5112 5112 Horticultural trades 19
5113 5113 Gardeners and grounds(wo)men 179
5119 5119 Agricult and fishing trades n.e.c. 28
5211 5211 Smiths and forge workers 8
5212 5212 Moulders, core makers, die casters 1
5213 5213 Sheet metal workers 28
5214 5214 Mtl plate wrkrs, shipwrig, riveters 8
5215 5215 Welding trades 92
5216 5216 Pipe fitters 8
5221 5221 Metal mach setter & setter-operator 66
5222 5222 Tool mkrs, tool fters & markers-out 23
5223 5223 Mtl working prod & maintnce fitter 259
5224 5224 Prec instrument makers & repairers 22
5231 5231 Motor mechanics, auto engineers 214
5232 5232 Vehicle body builders and repairers 28
5233 5233 Auto electricians 3
5234 5234 Vehicle spray painters 14
5241 5241 Electricians, electrical fitters 267
5242 5242 Telecommunications engineers 46
5243 5243 Lines repairers and cable jointers 15
5244 5244 TV, video and audio engineers 6
5245 5245 Comp engineer, installn & maintnce 41
5249 5249 Elec & electronic engineer n.e.c. 89
5311 5311 Steel erectors 19
5312 5312 Bricklayers, masons 99
5313 5313 Roofers, roof tilers and slaters 49
5314 5314 Plumb, hea & ventilating engineers 187
5315 5315 Carpenters and joiners 272
5316 5316 Glaziers, window fabric and fitters 37
5319 5319 Construction trades n.e.c. 215
5321 5321 Plasterers 54
5322 5322 Floorers and wall tilers 37
5323 5323 Painters and decorators 136
5411 5411 Weavers and knitters 3
5412 5412 Upholsterers 26
5413 5413 Leather and related trades 6
5414 5414 Tailors and dressmakers 9
5419 5419 Text, garment & related trades nec. 6
5421 5421 Origntrs, compositors & print preps 10
5422 5422 Printers 38
5423 5423 Bookbinders and print finishers 22
5424 5424 Screen printers 7
5431 5431 Butchers, meat cutters 31
5432 5432 Bakers, flour confectioners 25
5433 5433 Fishmongers, poultry dressers 7
5434 5434 Chefs, cooks 237
5491 5491 Glss & cermic mkr, decortr, finshr 21
5492 5492 Furntre mkr, other crft woodworkers 47
5493 5493 Pattern makers (moulds) 3
5494 5494 Musicl instrument makers and tuners 4
5495 5495 Goldsmth, slvrsmth, prec stone wrkr 11
5496 5496 Floral arrangers, florists 20
5499 5499 Hand craft occupations n.e.c. 12
6111 6111 Nursing auxiliaries and assistants 212
6112 6112 Amb staff (excluding paramedics) 16
6113 6113 Dental nurses 42
6114 6114 Houseprnts and residential wardens 32
6115 6115 Care assistants and home carers 648
6121 6121 Nursery nurses 184
6122 6122 Childminders and rel occupations 152
6123 6123 Playgroup leaders & assistants 58
6124 6124 educal assistants 533
6131 6131 Veterinary nurses and assistants 18
6139 6139 Animal care occupations n.e.c. 34
6211 6211 Sports and leisure assistants 48
6212 6212 Travel agents 27
6213 6213 Travel and tour guides 13
6214 6214 Air travel assistants 32
6215 6215 Rail travel assistants 20
6219 6219 Leisure & travel serv occuptns nec. 9
6221 6221 Hairdressers, barbers 134
6222 6222 Beauticians and related occupations 40
6231 6231 Housekprs and related occupations 60
6232 6232 Caretakers 76
6291 6291 Undertakers and mortuary assistants 10
6292 6292 Pest control officers 5
7111 7111 Sales and retail assistants 1251
7112 7112 Retail cashiers/check-out operators 248
7113 7113 Telephone salespersons 45
7121 7121 Collector salsprsns and cred agents 19
7122 7122 Debt, rent and other cash collectrs 43
7123 7123 Rounds(wo)men and van salespersons 23
7124 7124 Mrkt and street traders and assist 13
7125 7125 Merchandisers and window dressers 22
7129 7129 Sales related occupations n.e.c. 94
7211 7211 Call centre agents & operators 97
7212 7212 Customer care occupations 307
8111 8111 Food, drink & tobac process operat 164
8112 8112 Glass and ceramics process oprties 11
8113 8113 Textile process operatives 14
8114 8114 Chem and related process operatives 44
8115 8115 Rubber process operatives 6
8116 8116 Plastics process operatives 64
8117 8117 Mtl mkng & treating procss operatve 26
8118 8118 Electroplaters 7
8119 8119 Process operatives n.e.c. 31
8121 8121 Paper and wood machine operatives 57
8122 8122 Coal mine operatives 1
8123 8123 Quarry workers and related oprtives 10
8124 8124 Energy plant operatives 12
8125 8125 Metal working machine operatives 77
8126 8126 Water and sewerage plant operatives 12
8129 8129 Plant and machine operatives n.e.c. 39
8131 8131 Assemblers (electrical products) 50
8132 8132 Assemblers (veh and metal goods) 59
8133 8133 Routine inspectors and testers 84
8134 8134 Weighers, graders, sorters 12
8135 8135 Tyre, exhaust and windscrn fitters 13
8136 8136 Clothing cutters 1
8137 8137 Sewing machinists 34
8138 8138 Routine laboratory testers 12
8139 8139 Assemblers and routine oprtves nec. 56
8141 8141 Scaffolders, stagers, riggers 35
8142 8142 Road construction operatives 25
8143 8143 Rail constructn & maintnce oprtives 4
8149 8149 Construction operatives n.e.c. 112
8211 8211 Heavy goods vehicle drivers 360
8212 8212 Van drivers 206
8213 8213 Bus and coach drivers 120
8214 8214 Taxi, cab drivers and chauffeurs 172
8215 8215 Driving instructors 42
8216 8216 Rail transport operatives 13
8217 8217 Seafrer (m navy), brge, lght, boat 6
8218 8218 Air transport operatives 17
8219 8219 Transport operatives n.e.c. 25
8221 8221 Crane drivers 14
8222 8222 Fork-lift truck drivers 94
8223 8223 Agricultural machinery drivers 12
8229 8229 Mobile machine drivers & operatives 60
9111 9111 Farm workers 54
9112 9112 Forestry workers 6
9119 9119 Fishng & agric reltd occupatns nec. 25
9121 9121 Labrers build & woodworking trades 186
9129 9129 Lab oth const trades n.e.c. 36
9131 9131 Labourers in foundries 5
9132 9132 Indust cleaning process occupations 25
9133 9133 Printing machine minders and assist 18
9134 9134 Packers, bottlers, canners, fillers 106
9139 9139 Labrs process & plant opertns nec. 102
9141 9141 Stevadores, dockers and slingers 11
9149 9149 Oth good hndlng & storage occup nec 389
9211 9211 Post wrkr, mail sort, msngr, courir 230
9219 9219 Elementary office occupatns n.e.c. 39
9221 9221 Hospital porters 19
9222 9222 Hotel porters 12
9223 9223 Kitchen and catering assistants 377
9224 9224 Waiters, waitresses 180
9225 9225 Bar staff 139
9226 9226 Leisure and theme park attendants 23
9229 9229 Elmntry persnal servcs occup n.e.c. 20
9231 9231 Window cleaners 26
9232 9232 Road sweepers 17
9233 9233 Cleaners, domestics 569
9234 9234 Launderers, dry cleaners, pressers 32
9235 9235 Refuse and salvage occupations 39
9239 9239 Elementary cleaning occupns nec. 12
9241 9241 Security guards and rel occupations 167
9242 9242 Traffic wardens 3
9243 9243 School crossing patrol attendants 10
9244 9244 School mid-day assistants 86
9245 9245 Car park attendants 8
9249 9249 Elementary security occupation nec. 23
9251 9251 Shelf fillers 143
9259 9259 Elementary sales occupations nec. 51
-9 Does not apply 11287
-8 No answer 20
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationLabour Force Survey Two-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, April - September, 2007