
UK Data Service variable record for:

ONS Omnibus Survey, March 2006

Variable Details

LabelModule Intro
Question text The next set of questions are for you to fill in yourself on the computer. I will show you how to answer the first two questions and then be here if you need any help.
1 Self-completion accepted and completed 192
2 Completed by interviewer 172
3 Section refused 15
8 Refusal 0
9 Don't Know 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationONS Omnibus Survey, March 2006
Interviewer InstructionsExplain that instructions will appear on the screen and then work through the first two questions with the informant. If the informant makes a mistake take him/her back to the question and allow him/her to key in the right answer. If resistance/distress about using the computer then you can suggest that you carry on asking the questions.
UniverseAdults, aged 16 or over, living in private households in Great Britain.;Adults;Households;National
SamplingMulti-stage stratified random sample
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study, monthly (up to year 2000), eight cycles per year (up to April 2005), monthly thereafter.