
UK Data Service variable record for:

Households Below Average Income, 1994/95-2012/13

Variable Details

LabelEthnic group of household
1 White - British 27019
2 Any other white background 781
3 Mixed - White and Black Caribbean 57
4 Mixed - White and Black African 26
5 Mixed - White and Asian 70
6 Any other mixed background 38
7 Asian or Asian British - Indian 454
8 Asian or Asian British - Pakistani 239
9 Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi 112
10 Any other Asian/Asian British background 144
11 Black or Black British - Caribbean 393
12 Black or Black British - African 220
13 Any other Black/Black British background 23
14 Chinese 81
15 Any other 297
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationHouseholds Below Average Income, 1994/95-2012/13