
UK Data Service variable record for:

Households Below Average Income, 1994/95-2012/13

Variable Details

LabelChildrens economic status (old derivation using FRS variable EMPSTATC)
0 22660
1 Lone Parent in full time work 415
2 Lone Parent in part time work 340
3 Lone Parent not working 1274
4 Couple with children; one or more full time self employed 1088
5 Couple with children; both in full-time work 1093
6 Couple with children; one or more in full time work, one in 1732
7 Couple with children; one in full time, one not working 1491
8 Couple with children; one or more in part time work only 284
9 Couple with children; Both not in work 710
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationHouseholds Below Average Income, 1994/95-2012/13