1 |
Art & Design |
0 |
2 |
Business |
0 |
3 |
Health & Social Care |
0 |
4 |
Leisure & Tourism |
0 |
5 |
Manufacturing |
0 |
6 |
Construction |
0 |
7 |
Hospitality & Catering |
0 |
8 |
Science |
0 |
9 |
Engineering |
0 |
10 |
Information Technology |
0 |
11 |
Management Studies |
0 |
12 |
Media: Communication & Production |
0 |
13 |
Retail & Distribution |
0 |
14 |
Land & Environment |
0 |
15 |
Performing Arts |
0 |
16 |
Leisure & Recreation |
0 |
17 |
Travel & Tourism |
0 |
97 |
French |
0 |
98 |
German |
0 |
99 |
Spanish |
0 |
1010 |
Biology |
0 |
1030 |
Biology: Human |
0 |
1050 |
Biology: Social |
0 |
1060 |
Biology: Human and Social |
0 |
1110 |
Chemistry |
0 |
1210 |
Physics |
0 |
1310 |
Science: Single award |
0 |
1330 |
Science: Dual award (1st Grade) |
0 |
1350 |
Science: Dual Award (2nd Grade) |
0 |
1370 |
Science: Double Award (1st Grade) |
0 |
1390 |
Science: Double Award (2nd Grade) |
0 |
1410 |
Science: Biology and Chemistry |
0 |
1450 |
Science: Biology and Physics |
0 |
1470 |
Science: Chemistry and Physics |
0 |
1630 |
Aeronautics |
0 |
1650 |
Science: Agriculture |
0 |
1660 |
Science: Agriculture and Horticulture |
0 |
1670 |
Science: Applied |
0 |
1690 |
Science: Astronomy |
0 |
1710 |
Botany |
0 |
1730 |
Science: Electronics |
0 |
1750 |
Science: Environmental |
0 |
1770 |
Science: Geology |
0 |
1790 |
Science: Horticulture |
0 |
1810 |
Science: Physical |
0 |
1830 |
Psychology JMB/NEA |
0 |
1850 |
Robotics |
0 |
1870 |
Science: Rural |
0 |
1910 |
Science in Society |
0 |
1920 |
Science for Public Und |
0 |
1930 |
Science: Technology |
0 |
1970 |
Science: Zoology |
0 |
1990 |
Science: Meteorology |
0 |
2010 |
Engineering Science |
0 |
2030 |
Science: Other |
0 |
2210 |
Mathematics |
0 |
2215 |
Mathematics (FSMQ) |
0 |
2220 |
Mathematics (Mechanics) |
0 |
2230 |
Mathematics (Pure) |
0 |
2240 |
Mathematics (Discrete) |
0 |
2250 |
Mathematics (Applied) |
0 |
2260 |
Mathematics (Statistics) |
0 |
2270 |
Mathematics (Pure and Applied) |
0 |
2280 |
Mathematics (Pure and Decision) |
0 |
2290 |
Mathematics (Pure and Statistics) |
0 |
2300 |
Statistics and Decision Mathematics |
0 |
2310 |
Mathematics (Pure and Mechanics) |
0 |
2330 |
Mathematics (Further) |
0 |
2340 |
Additional Mathematics |
0 |
2350 |
Mathematical Studies |
0 |
2510 |
Statistics |
0 |
2610 |
Computer Studies/Computing |
0 |
2630 |
Communication Technology |
0 |
2650 |
Information Technology |
0 |
2670 |
Information Studies |
0 |
2810 |
CDT: Technology |
0 |
2830 |
CDT: Design |
0 |
2850 |
CDT: Design and Communication |
0 |
2870 |
CDT: Design and Realisation |
0 |
2890 |
CDT: Design and Technology |
0 |
2910 |
CDT: Building Studies |
0 |
2930 |
Other Technology Syllabuses |
0 |
2940 |
Design (But not Art and Design) |
0 |
2950 |
Control Technology |
0 |
2970 |
Engineering |
0 |
2990 |
Engineering Workshop Theory and Practice |
0 |
3010 |
Geometrical and Technical Drawing |
0 |
3030 |
Graphics |
0 |
3050 |
Metalwork |
0 |
3070 |
Motor Vehicle Studies |
0 |
3090 |
Sound Recording |
0 |
3110 |
Woodwork |
0 |
3130 |
Technical Studies |
0 |
3210 |
Business Studies |
0 |
3230 |
Business Studies and Economics |
0 |
3250 |
Business and Information Studies (1st Grade) |
0 |
3270 |
Business and Information Studies (2nd Grade) |
0 |
3310 |
Home Economics |
0 |
3320 |
Home Economics: Consumer Studies |
0 |
3330 |
Home Economics: Child Development |
0 |
3350 |
Home Economics: Food |
0 |
3370 |
Home Economics: Textiles |
0 |
3390 |
Home Economics: Home and Family |
0 |
3510 |
Art & Design |
0 |
3530 |
Art and Design (Drawing and Painting) |
0 |
3550 |
Art and Design (Graphics) |
0 |
3570 |
Art and Design (Photography) |
0 |
3610 |
Art and Design (Pottery) |
0 |
3630 |
Art and Design (Printing) |
0 |
3650 |
Art and Design (Textiles) |
0 |
3670 |
Art and Design (3-D Studies) |
0 |
3680 |
Art and Design (Critical Studies) |
0 |
3690 |
Fine Art |
0 |
3700 |
Craft |
0 |
3810 |
Art |
0 |
3820 |
Art with Art History |
0 |
3830 |
History of Art |
0 |
3910 |
Geography |
0 |
3920 |
World Development |
0 |
3930 |
Environmental Studies Single |
0 |
3950 |
Environmental Studies Dual Award (1st Grade) |
0 |
3970 |
Environmental Studies Dual Award (2nd Grade) |
0 |
4010 |
History |
0 |
4110 |
American Studies |
0 |
4130 |
Asian Studies |
0 |
4150 |
European Studies |
0 |
4170 |
French Studies |
0 |
4190 |
Museum Studies |
0 |
4210 |
Russian Studies |
0 |
4230 |
Spanish Studies |
0 |
4250 |
Welsh Studies |
0 |
4270 |
German Studies |
0 |
4410 |
Economics |
0 |
4430 |
Economics and Business Studies |
0 |
4510 |
humanities single |
0 |
4530 |
Integrated Humanities Dual Award (1st Grade) |
0 |
4550 |
Integrated Humanities Dual Award (2nd Grade) |
0 |
4610 |
Religious Studies |
0 |
4630 |
Religious Education |
0 |
4710 |
Social Science |
0 |
4730 |
Archaeology |
0 |
4750 |
Community Studies |
0 |
4770 |
law |
0 |
4790 |
Logic/Philosophy |
0 |
4810 |
Personal/Social Education |
0 |
4820 |
Personal and Social Education (1st Grade) |
0 |
4825 |
Personal and Social Education (2nd Grade) |
0 |
4830 |
Government & Politics |
0 |
4850 |
Psychology |
1 |
4870 |
Public Affairs |
0 |
4890 |
Sociology |
0 |
4895 |
Social Policy |
0 |
4910 |
Social Science Citizenship |
0 |
5010 |
English |
0 |
5030 |
English Language |
0 |
5110 |
English Literature |
0 |
5150 |
English Grade in Dual Award Syllabus |
0 |
5160 |
English Literature Grade in Dual Award Syllabus |
0 |
5210 |
Drama & Theatre Studies |
0 |
5220 |
Drama Comm Theatre |
0 |
5230 |
Creative Writing |
0 |
5310 |
Communication Studies |
0 |
5330 |
Performing Studies |
0 |
5340 |
Stage and Performing Arts Dual Award (1st Grade) |
0 |
5345 |
Stage and Performing Arts Dual Award (2nd Grade) |
0 |
5350 |
Media/Film/Television Studies |
0 |
5360 |
Film Studies |
0 |
5370 |
Theatre Studies |
0 |
5510 |
Welsh First Language |
0 |
5515 |
Welsh Second Language |
0 |
5530 |
Welsh Literature |
0 |
5550 |
Irish |
0 |
5610 |
Danish |
0 |
5630 |
Dutch |
0 |
5650 |
French |
0 |
5670 |
German |
0 |
5690 |
Italian |
0 |
5710 |
Modern Greek |
0 |
5730 |
Portuguese |
0 |
5750 |
Spanish |
0 |
5910 |
Arabic |
0 |
5930 |
Bengali |
0 |
5950 |
Chinese |
0 |
5970 |
Gujarati |
0 |
5990 |
Hindi |
0 |
6010 |
Japanese |
0 |
6030 |
Modern Hebrew |
0 |
6050 |
Punjabi |
0 |
6070 |
Polish |
0 |
6090 |
Russian |
0 |
6110 |
Turkish |
0 |
6130 |
Urdu |
0 |
6150 |
Persian |
0 |
6310 |
Other Languages |
0 |
6510 |
Ancient History |
0 |
6530 |
Classical Civilisation |
0 |
6550 |
Greek |
0 |
6570 |
Greek/Classical Civilisation |
0 |
6590 |
Greek Roman Civilisation |
0 |
6610 |
Latin |
0 |
6630 |
Latin/Roman Civilisation |
0 |
6650 |
Other Classical Languages |
0 |
6810 |
Creative Arts |
0 |
6830 |
Dress |
0 |
6850 |
Jewellery |
0 |
7010 |
Music |
0 |
7020 |
Music: Practical |
0 |
7030 |
History of Music |
0 |
7040 |
Music Technology |
0 |
7210 |
Sport/Physical Education Studies |
0 |
7230 |
Dance |
0 |
7250 |
Commerce/Office Studies |
0 |
7410 |
Accounting/Finance |
0 |
7430 |
Catering Studies |
0 |
7450 |
Commerce/Office Studies |
0 |
7460 |
Office Technology |
0 |
7470 |
Industrial Studies |
0 |
7490 |
Keyboarding Applications |
0 |
7510 |
Library Studies |
0 |
7530 |
Money Management |
0 |
7550 |
Nautical Studies |
0 |
7560 |
Navigation/Marine Navigation |
0 |
7570 |
Photography |
0 |
7590 |
Road Safety |
0 |
7610 |
Surveying |
0 |
7630 |
Textile/Fashion Studies |
0 |
7650 |
Tourism |
0 |
7670 |
Marketing |
0 |
7690 |
Nursing |
0 |
7710 |
Farm Studies |
0 |
7810 |
General Studies |
0 |
7830 |
Critical Thinking |
0 |
8000 |
Design & Technology |
0 |
8010 |
D/T & Art |
0 |
8020 |
D/T & Automation |
0 |
8030 |
D/T & Automotive Engineering |
0 |
8040 |
D/T & the Built Environment |
0 |
8050 |
D/T & Business Studies |
0 |
8060 |
D/T & Catering |
0 |
8070 |
D/T & Construction |
0 |
8080 |
D/T & Drama |
0 |
8090 |
D/T & Economics |
0 |
8100 |
D/T & Electronics |
0 |
8110 |
D/T & Fashion |
0 |
8120 |
D/T & Food Industry |
0 |
8130 |
D/T & Health |
0 |
8140 |
D/T & Industry |
0 |
8150 |
D/T & Music |
0 |
8160 |
D/T & Product Design |
0 |
8170 |
D/T & Transport |
0 |
8180 |
D/T & Child Development |
0 |
8190 |
D/T & Information Technology |
0 |
8200 |
Information Systems |
0 |
8210 |
IT & Art |
0 |
8220 |
IT & Automotive Engineering |
0 |
8230 |
IT & Building Studies |
0 |
8240 |
IT & Business Studies |
0 |
8250 |
IT & Catering |
0 |
8260 |
IT & Drama |
0 |
8270 |
IT & Economics |
0 |
8280 |
IT & Electronics |
0 |
8290 |
IT & Fashion |
0 |
8300 |
IT & Food Industries |
0 |
8310 |
IT & Health |
0 |
8320 |
IT & Industry |
0 |
8330 |
IT & Music |
0 |
8340 |
IT & Transport |
0 |
8350 |
D/T & Systems & Control Technology |
0 |
8360 |
D/T & Elec. Prod & B. St |
0 |
8370 |
D/T & Food Technology |
0 |
8380 |
D/T & Graph Prod & B. Std |
0 |
8390 |
D/T & Res. Ma & B Std |
0 |
8395 |
D/T & Tex Tech & B Std |
0 |
8400 |
Technology |
0 |
8410 |
Tech & Art |
0 |
8420 |
Tech & Automotive Engineering |
0 |
8430 |
Tech & Building Studies |
0 |
8440 |
Tech & Business Studies |
0 |
8450 |
Tech & Catering |
0 |
8460 |
Tech & Construction |
0 |
8470 |
Tech & Drama |
0 |
8480 |
Tech & Economics |
0 |
8490 |
Tech & Electronics |
0 |
8500 |
Tech & Fashion |
0 |
8510 |
Tech & Food Industry |
0 |
8520 |
Tech & Industry |
0 |
8530 |
Tech & Music |
0 |
8540 |
Tech & Transport |
0 |
8600 |
Welsh & Art |
0 |
8610 |
Welsh & Business Studies |
0 |
8620 |
Welsh & Drama |
0 |
8630 |
Welsh & Information Technology |
0 |
8640 |
Welsh & Religious Studies |
0 |
8700 |
French & Business Studies |
0 |
8710 |
German & Business Studies |
0 |
8720 |
Spanish & Business Studies |
0 |
8730 |
Geography & Business Studies |
0 |
8740 |
Geography & History |
0 |
8900 |
Design & Technology |
0 |
8910 |
Design/Tech & Communication |
0 |
8920 |
Design/Tech & Design |
0 |
8930 |
Design/Tech & Technology |
0 |
9010 |
Design/Tech & Electronic Prods |
0 |
9020 |
Design/Tech & Food Technology |
0 |
9030 |
Design/Tech & Graphic Prods |
0 |
9040 |
Design/Tech & Resist. materials |
0 |
9050 |
Design/Tech & Textiles Technology |
0 |
9060 |
Design/Tech & Systems |
0 |
9070 |
Design/Tech & Engineering |
0 |
9080 |
Design/Tech & Production Design |
0 |
9961 |
Application Number |
0 |
9962 |
Communication |
0 |
9963 |
Information Technology |
0 |
Sysmiss |
14002 |