
UK Data Service variable record for:

Quarterly Labour Force Survey, January - March, 1999

Variable Details

LabelIndustry GROUP (main job)
1 01.1:Crops,mkg gardening,horticulture 292
2 01.2:Farming of animals 335
3 01.3:Mixed farming (crops & animals) 106
4 01.4:Agric.,animal husbandry (not vets) 225
5 01.5:Hunting,trapping,game etc 4
6 02.0:Forestry,logging etc 50
7 05.0:Fishing,fish farms,hatcheries etc 46
8 10.1:Mining,agglomeration of hard coal 34
9 10.2:Lignite mining,agglomeration 1
10 10.3:Peat extraction,agglomeration 1
11 11.1:Crude oil,gas extraction 58
12 11.2:Oil,gas services (not surveying) 96
13 12.0:Uranium,thorium ore mining 1
14 13.1:Iron ore mining 0
15 13.2:Non-ferr. mining(not Uranium,Thor) 2
16 14.1:Quarrying of stone 17
17 14.2:Quarrying of sand,clay 31
18 14.3:Chemicals,fertiliser mining 4
19 14.4:Salt production 2
20 14.5:Other mining,quarrying 10
21 15.1:Prod,proc,preserving meat,meat prod 257
22 15.2:Fish,fish products,preserving 66
23 15.3:Proc,preserving fruit,vegetables 62
24 15.4:Vegetable,animal oil,fat man. 7
25 15.5:Dairy prod manufacturing 86
26 15.6:Grain,starch products etc 31
27 15.7:Feed for farm animals manufacture 46
28 15.8:Other food products manufacture 494
29 15.9:Beverages manufacture 191
30 16.0:Tobacco products manufacture 20
31 17.1:Textile fibre preparation,spinning 44
32 17.2:Textile weaving 48
33 17.3:Textile finishing 43
34 17.4:Made-up textile articles man. 111
35 17.5:Other textiles manufacture 79
36 17.6:Knitted,crocheted fabrics man. 6
37 17.7:Knitted,crocheted articles man. 81
38 18.1:Leather clothing manufacture 1
39 18.2:Other clothes and accessories 419
40 18.3:Fur processing 1
41 19.1:Leather tanning,dressing 9
42 19.2:Luggage,handbags,saddlery man. 23
43 19.3:Footwear manufacture 45
44 20.1:Wood sawmill,planing,impregnation 22
45 20.2:Wood veneer,plywood,etc production 16
46 20.3:Builders carpentry,joinery man. 112
47 20.4:Wooded containers manufacture 27
48 20.5:Other wood products manufacture 39
49 21.1:Pulp,paper,card etc manufacture 75
50 21.2:Paper, paperboard articles man. 210
51 22.1:Publishing 440
52 22.2:Printing etc 534
53 22.3:Reproduction of recorded media 22
54 23.1:Coke oven products manufacture 0
55 23.2:Refined petrol products manufacture 71
56 23.3:Nuclear fuel processing 40
57 24.1:Basic chemicals manufacture 187
58 24.2:Pesticides,etc manufacture 21
59 24.3:Paint,varnish,mastic, etc man. 63
60 24.4:Pharmaceut. and botanical chem man. 298
61 24.5:Soap,detergent,polish, etc man. 110
62 24.6:Other chemical prod manufacture 104
63 24.7:Man-made fibres manufacture 13
64 25.1:Rubber products manufacture 147
65 25.2:Plastic products manufacture 520
66 26.1:Glass,glass products manufacture 121
67 26.2:Hhld,sanitary,technical ceramics 106
68 26.3:Ceramic tile,flags manufacture 5
69 26.4:Bricks,tiles etc manufacture 26
70 26.5:Cement,lime,plaster manufacture 26
71 26.6:Concrete,plaster,cement prods man. 90
72 26.7:Stone cutting,shaping,finishing 9
73 26.8:Other non-metal mineral products 36
74 27.1:Basic iron,steel,ferro-alloys man. 94
75 27.2:Ferrous tubes manufacture 28
76 27.3:Other 1st proc of iron,steel 44
77 27.4:Basic precious,non-ferr metals man. 79
78 27.5:Casting of metals 109
79 28.1:Structural metal manufacture 203
80 28.2:Metal containers,radiators etc man. 47
81 28.3:Steam generators manufacture 32
82 28.4:Forging,pressing,stamping of metal 60
83 28.5:Treatmnt,coating(metals),gen engin. 334
84 28.6:Cutlery,tools,general h'ware man. 128
85 28.7:Other fabricated metal prods man. 236
86 29.1:Mech,powered mach (not aircr) man. 250
87 29.2:Other gen purpose mach manufacture 285
88 29.3:Agricultural,forest mach man. 68
89 29.4:Machine tool manufacture 105
90 29.5:Other special purpose mach man. 285
91 29.6:Weapons,ammunition manufacture 39
92 29.7:Domestic appliances manufacture 95
93 30.0:Office mach,computer manufacture 320
94 31.1:Elec motors,gentors,trans man. 81
95 31.2:Elec distrib., control eqt, man. 123
96 31.3:Insulated cable manufacture 63
97 31.4:Electric battery manufacture 14
98 31.5:Lighting eqt manufacture 61
99 31.6:Other elec eqt (engines,veh) man. 208
100 32.1:Electronic components etc man. 215
101 32.2:Tph,tphone eqt radio,TV 109
102 32.3:TV,radio receivers,etc eqt man. 58
103 33.1:Medical eqt,appliances manufacture 114
104 33.2:Testing,navigating etc eqt man. 143
105 33.3:Industrial proc control eqt man. 30
106 33.4:Optical,photographic, eqt man. 51
107 33.5:Watches,clock manufacture 12
108 34.1:Motor veh manufacture 341
109 34.2:Motor veh bodywork,trailer,etc man. 68
110 34.3:Motr veh parts,accessories etc man. 376
111 35.1:Ship,boat building,repairing 147
112 35.2:Rail,tram rolling stk etc man. 51
113 35.3:Aircraft,spacecraft manufacture 383
114 35.4:Motorcycle,bicycle manufacture 25
115 35.5:Other transport eqt manufacture 2
116 36.1:Furniture manufacture 425
117 36.2:Jewellery etc manufacture 24
118 36.3:Musical instruments manufacture 12
119 36.4:Sports goods manufacture 25
120 36.5:Toys,games etc manufacture 38
121 36.6:Other miscellaneous manufacture 60
122 37.1:Metal scrap recycling 11
123 37.2:Non-metal scrap recycling 3
124 40.1:Elec generation,supply 244
125 40.2:Gas production supply 61
126 40.3:Steam,hot water supply 3
127 41.0:Water collection,purif.,supply etc 140
128 45.1-5:Construction 4464
129 50.1,3,5:Sales of motor vehs,parts,fuel 673
130 50.2:Motor veh repair 680
131 50.4:Motorcycle sale,repair etc 15
132 51.1:Wsale on fee or contract basis 198
133 51.2-7:Wsale (not 51.5 waste,scrap etc) 1680
134 51.5:Wsale waste,scrap etc 36
135 52.1-6:Retail trade 6740
136 52.7:Repair personal,hhld goods 147
137 55.1:Hotels,motels 550
138 55.2:Camping sites,short stay accom etc 125
139 55.3:Restaurants 1008
140 55.4:Bars 698
141 55.5:Canteens,catering 426
142 60.1:Transport via railway 90
143 60.2:Other land transport 1393
144 60.3:Transport via pipelines 24
145 61.1:Sea,coastal water transport 101
146 61.2:Inland water transport 3
147 62.1:Scheduled air transport 91
148 62.2:Non-scheduled air transport 26
149 62.3:Space transport 0
150 63.1:Cargo handling,storage 382
151 63.2:Other supporting transport activ. 323
152 63.3:Travel agencies,orgs,guides etc 255
153 63.4:Other transport agencies 248
154 64.1:Post,courier activities 805
155 64.2:Telecommunications 499
156 65.1:Monetary intermediation 1208
157 65.2:Other financial intermediation 407
158 66.0:Insurance,pensions (not Social Sec) 266
159 67.1:Other financial (not ins.,pensions) 197
160 67.2:Other insurance,pension activities 669
161 70.1:Real estate activ. (own property) 399
162 70.2:Letting own property 106
163 70.3:Real estate agency,management 377
164 71.1:Car rental 81
165 71.2:Other transport rental 45
166 71.3:Other mach,eqt rental 122
167 71.4:Personal,hhld eqt rental 75
168 72.1:Computer hardware consultancy 18
169 72.2:Computer software consultancy 702
170 72.3:Data processing 16
171 72.4:Data base activities 21
172 72.5:Repair of office,computer eqt 70
173 72.6:Other computer activities 203
174 73.1:Research,natural sciences,eng. 226
175 73.2:Research,social sciences,humanities 14
176 74.1:Legal,accnting,auditing,tax, etc 1868
177 74.2:Architect.,eng.,tech etc consultncy 777
178 74.3:Technical testing,analysis 50
179 74.4:Advertising 149
180 74.5:Labour,personnel recruitment 343
181 74.6:Investigation,security activities 296
182 74.7:Industrial cleaning 500
183 74.8:Other misc business activities 492
184 75.1:Admin of State,economic,social etc 1988
185 75.2:Defence,justice,law,fire etc 1621
186 75.3:Compulsory Social Security activ. 273
187 80.1:Primary education 1903
188 80.2:General 2nd-ary education 1975
189 80.3:Higher education 1094
190 80.4:Adult,other education 345
191 85.1:Human health activities 4321
192 85.2:Veterinary activities 71
193 85.3:Social work 3014
194 90.0:Sewage,refuse disposal etc 290
195 91.1:Business, employers, prof. orgs 92
196 91.2:Trade unions 29
197 91.3:Other membership organisations 449
198 92.1:Motion picture,video activities 91
199 92.2:Radio,TV activities 170
200 92.3:Other entertainment activities 387
201 92.4:News agency activities 73
202 92.5:Library,archive,museums, etc activ. 239
203 92.6:Sporting activities, arenas,stadia 558
204 92.7:Other recreational activities 243
205 93.0:Other service activities 785
206 95.0:Private hhlds with employed persons 336
207 99.0:Extra-territorial organisations 44
208 NA,Inadequate description 0
209 Workplace outside UK 25
-9 Does not apply 81720
-8 No answer 25
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationQuarterly Labour Force Survey, January - March, 1999
UniverseAll persons normally resident in private households in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. From winter 1994-1995, Northern Ireland is included in each quarter. Prior to this, data were only collected there in the March-May quarter each year. When the LFS moved to a quarterly cycle, two new groups of people were included in the survey to improve the coverage of young people: residents in National Health Service (NHS) hospital accommodation (formerly called nurses' homes), and students living in halls of residence or boarding schools.<br>Northern Ireland is not included in the Local Area Data files before 1997.;National
SamplingSimple random sample;Four sampling frames are used. For Great Britain, south of the Caledonian Canal, the Post Office Address File is used, whilst north of the Caledonian Canal, a random sample is drawn from the published telephone directory. The sample of residents in NHS accommodation is also drawn, unclustered, for the whole of Great Britain using a specially-prepared frame. In Northern Ireland, the source of the sample is the Valuation List used for rating purposes, excluding commercial units and known institutions. Households are interviewed on five occasions at quarterly intervals, thereby introducing a panel element to the survey. For further details see documentation.
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study. Data are collected quarterly.