1 |
115 |
1.01 |
Medicine |
122 |
1.011 |
Pre-clinical |
22 |
1.012 |
Clinical |
160 |
1.02 |
Dentistry |
46 |
1.021 |
Pre-clinical |
4 |
1.022 |
Clinical |
36 |
1.03 |
Anatomy and/or physiology |
14 |
1.04 |
Physiology and/or anatomy |
39 |
1.05 |
Pharmacology |
20 |
1.06 |
Pharmacy |
80 |
1.07 |
Opthalmics |
29 |
1.08 |
Nursing |
1926 |
1.09 |
Biology |
130 |
1.10 |
Botany |
26 |
1.11 |
Zooloty |
60 |
1.12 |
Genetics |
10 |
1.13 |
Microbiology |
39 |
1.14 |
Biochemistry |
90 |
1.15 |
Psychology (as biological science) |
53 |
1.16 |
Veterinary science |
34 |
1.17 |
Agriculture |
48 |
1.18 |
Forestry |
11 |
1.19 |
Food science/food technology/home economics |
46 |
1.20 |
Chemistry/applied chemistry |
303 |
1.21 |
Physics/applied physics |
196 |
1.22 |
Astronomy |
4 |
1.23 |
Geology |
46 |
1.24 |
Geography (as physical science) |
109 |
1.25 |
Mathematics/applied mathematics |
249 |
1.26 |
Statistics |
25 |
1.27 |
Computer studies |
198 |
1.28 |
Engineering - general |
54 |
1.29 |
Engineering - civil |
206 |
1.30 |
Engineering - mechnical |
268 |
1.31 |
Engineering - aeronautical |
32 |
1.32 |
Engineering - electrical |
129 |
1.33 |
Engineering - electronic |
165 |
1.34 |
Engineering - production |
44 |
1.35 |
Engineering - chemical |
57 |
1.36 |
Technology - minerals |
1 |
1.37 |
Metallurgy |
45 |
1.38 |
Technology - other materials (than minerals)/material scienc |
59 |
1.39 |
Technology - maritime |
8 |
1.40 |
Technology - biotechnology |
4 |
1.41 |
Architecture |
106 |
1.42 |
Building |
95 |
1.43 |
Planning - town and country |
37 |
1.44 |
Economics |
245 |
1.45 |
Sociology |
114 |
1.46 |
Social policy and administration |
58 |
1.47 |
Social work - applied |
74 |
1.48 |
Anthropology (all kinds) |
10 |
1.49 |
Psychology (as social science) |
125 |
1.50 |
Geography (as social science) |
78 |
1.51 |
Politics |
71 |
1.52 |
Law |
375 |
1.53 |
Business and/or management studies |
360 |
1.54 |
Management and/or business studies |
174 |
1.55 |
Management - financial |
60 |
1.56 |
Accountancy |
365 |
1.57 |
Management - institutional |
40 |
1.58 |
Management - land and/or property |
23 |
1.59 |
Management - property and/or land/estate management |
47 |
1.60 |
Librarianship |
50 |
1.61 |
Linguistics |
37 |
1.62 |
English |
308 |
1.63 |
American studies |
7 |
1.64 |
Classical studies/Latin/Greek |
42 |
1.65 |
French |
107 |
1.66 |
German |
30 |
1.67 |
Hispanic studies |
5 |
1.68 |
Spanish |
10 |
1.69 |
Russian |
7 |
1.70 |
Chinese |
2 |
1.71 |
History (not history of art) |
251 |
1.72 |
History of art |
35 |
1.73 |
Archaeology |
18 |
1.74 |
Philosophy |
69 |
1.75 |
Theology and/or religious studies |
68 |
1.76 |
Religious studies and/or theology |
28 |
1.77 |
Fine art |
93 |
1.78 |
Design studies |
137 |
1.79 |
Music |
121 |
1.80 |
Drama |
32 |
1.81 |
Education - teacher training |
284 |
1.82 |
Education - academic studies |
286 |
2 |
54 |
2.01 |
OC - studies allied to medicine/physiotherapy |
234 |
2.02 |
OC - biological sciences |
76 |
2.03 |
OC - agricultural sciences |
13 |
2.04 |
OC - environmental and/or physical sciences |
100 |
2.05 |
OC - mathematical sciences |
55 |
2.06 |
OC - engineering and/or technology |
117 |
2.07 |
OC - architecture and related studies |
31 |
2.08 |
OC - social sciences/applied social sciences |
143 |
2.09 |
OC - business and/or financial studies |
200 |
2.10 |
4 |
2.11 |
OC - librarianship and/or information science |
11 |
2.12 |
OC - languages - European |
141 |
2.13 |
OC - languages - Oriental/Asian/African |
7 |
2.14 |
OC - languages - Other, and related subjects |
26 |
2.15 |
OC - arts - humanities (NOT languages) |
77 |
2.16 |
OC - arts - creative |
117 |
2.17 |
OC - education studies |
64 |
3 |
26 |
3.01 |
GroupA - studies allied to medicine |
48 |
3.02 |
GroupA - biological sciences |
16 |
3.03 |
GroupA - veterinary science |
3 |
3.04 |
GroupA - agriculture and related studies |
8 |
3.05 |
GroupB - physical and mathematical sciences |
36 |
3.06 |
GroupC - GroupA with GroupB |
16 |
3.07 |
GroupD - engineering/technology |
36 |
3.08 |
GroupD - architecture/building/planning |
39 |
3.09 |
GroupE - Groups A/B with GroupD |
12 |
3.11 |
GroupF - Social science, business, librarianship |
46 |
3.12 |
GroupG - GroupF and physical/mathematical sciences |
20 |
3.13 |
GroupH - GroupF with GroupA and GroupD |
15 |
3.14 |
GroupJ - GroupF with language studies |
51 |
3.15 |
GroupK - humanities, creative arts, education |
116 |
3.16 |
GroupL - GroupK and physical/mathematical sciences |
29 |
3.17 |
GroupM - GroupK with language studies |
47 |
3.18 |
GroupN - Groups K,A,D with language studies |
12 |
3.19 |
GroupP - GroupK with GroupF |
31 |
4 |
Combined or general science |
47 |
5 |
Combined or general social science |
46 |
6 |
Combined or general arts |
69 |
7 |
Other general and combinations |
80 |
-8 |
No answer |
1 |
-9 |
Does not apply |
141439 |