
UK Data Service variable record for:

Quarterly Labour Force Survey, October - December, 1992

Variable Details

LabelSubject of degree
1.01 Medicine 92
1.011 Pre-clinical 27
1.012 Clinical 163
1.02 Dentistry 34
1.021 Pre-clinical 4
1.022 Clinical 29
1.03 Anatomy and/or physiology 11
1.04 Physiology and/or anatomy 30
1.05 Pharmacology 19
1.06 Pharmacy 79
1.07 Opthalmics 24
1.08 Nursing 17
1.09 Biology 118
1.10 Botany 30
1.11 Zooloty 57
1.12 Genetics 10
1.13 Microbiology 39
1.14 Biochemistry 83
1.15 Psychology (as biological science) 52
1.16 Veterinary science 27
1.17 Agriculture 53
1.18 Forestry 5
1.19 Food science/food technology/home economics 38
1.20 Chemistry/applied chemistry 305
1.21 Physics/applied physics 208
1.22 Astronomy 2
1.23 Geology 58
1.24 Geography (as physical science) 109
1.25 Mathematics/applied mathematics 252
1.26 Statistics 18
1.27 Computer studies 177
1.28 Engineering - general 67
1.29 Engineering - civil 187
1.30 Engineering - mechnical 211
1.31 Engineering - aeronautical 38
1.32 Engineering - electrical 141
1.33 Engineering - electronic 152
1.34 Engineering - production 28
1.35 Engineering - chemical 56
1.36 Technology - minerals 4
1.37 Metallurgy 43
1.38 Technology - other materials (than minerals)/material scienc 34
1.39 Technology - maritime 8
1.40 Technology - biotechnology 7
1.41 Architecture 103
1.42 Building 75
1.43 Planning - town and country 39
1.44 Economics 251
1.45 Sociology 125
1.46 Social policy and administration 54
1.47 Social work - applied 56
1.48 Anthropology (all kinds) 10
1.49 Psychology (as social science) 112
1.50 Geography (as social science) 76
1.51 Politics 75
1.52 Law 392
1.53 Business and/or management studies 305
1.54 Management and/or business studies 171
1.55 Management - financial 40
1.56 Accountancy 375
1.57 Management - institutional 41
1.58 Management - land and/or property 28
1.59 Management - property and/or land/estate management 39
1.60 Librarianship 33
1.61 Linguistics 48
1.62 English 320
1.63 American studies 9
1.64 Classical studies/Latin/Greek 43
1.65 French 97
1.66 German 30
1.67 Hispanic studies 1
1.68 Spanish 18
1.69 Russian 13
1.70 Chinese 2
1.71 History (not history of art) 262
1.72 History of art 25
1.73 Archaeology 11
1.74 Philosophy 57
1.75 Theology and/or religious studies 79
1.76 Religious studies and/or theology 17
1.77 Fine art 108
1.78 Design studies 132
1.79 Music 116
1.80 Drama 24
1.81 Education - teacher training 220
1.82 Education - academic studies 244
2.01 OC - studies allied to medicine/physiotherapy 114
2.02 OC - biological sciences 60
2.03 OC - agricultural sciences 14
2.04 OC - environmental and/or physical sciences 67
2.05 OC - mathematical sciences 54
2.06 OC - engineering and/or technology 116
2.07 OC - architecture and related studies 17
2.08 OC - social sciences/applied social sciences 129
2.09 OC - business and/or financial studies 141
2.10 4
2.11 OC - librarianship and/or information science 9
2.12 OC - languages - European 127
2.13 OC - languages - Oriental/Asian/African 7
2.14 OC - languages - Other, and related subjects 29
2.15 OC - arts - humanities (NOT languages) 57
2.16 OC - arts - creative 101
2.17 OC - education studies 50
3.01 GroupA - studies allied to medicine 26
3.02 GroupA - biological sciences 19
3.03 GroupA - veterinary science 0
3.04 GroupA - agriculture and related studies 3
3.05 GroupB - physical and mathematical sciences 43
3.06 GroupC - GroupA with GroupB 9
3.07 GroupD - engineering/technology 44
3.08 GroupD - architecture/building/planning 23
3.09 GroupE - Groups A/B with GroupD 11
3.11 GroupF - Social science, business, librarianship 34
3.12 GroupG - GroupF and physical/mathematical sciences 19
3.13 GroupH - GroupF with GroupA and GroupD 11
3.14 GroupJ - GroupF with language studies 31
3.15 GroupK - humanities, creative arts, education 102
3.16 GroupL - GroupK and physical/mathematical sciences 14
3.17 GroupM - GroupK with language studies 40
3.18 GroupN - Groups K,A,D with language studies 10
3.19 GroupP - GroupK with GroupF 39
4 Combined or general science 55
5 Combined or general social science 65
6 Combined or general arts 83
7 Other general and combinations 68
-8 No answer 44
-9 Does not apply 142306
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationQuarterly Labour Force Survey, October - December, 1992