
UK Data Service variable record for:

Workplace Employment Relations Survey, 2004: Teaching Dataset

Variable Details

LabelIssues covered in strategic plan - employee job satisfaction
Question text Which of the following issues are covered in the plan? Employee job satisfaction.
-9 Refusal 0
0 No 8757
1 Yes 10536
-8 Don't Know 54
-1 Not applicable 3104
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationWorkplace Employment Relations Survey, 2004: Teaching Dataset
Interviewer InstructionsPROBE: Which others? UNTIL 'None'.
UniverseAll establishments in Britain with five or more employees and operating in Sections D-O of the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC 2003).;National
SamplingOne-stage stratified or systematic random sample
Study TypeCross-sectional (one-time) study. This study is taken from WERS 2004 which is the fifth in the survey series, with previous surveys carried out in 1980, 1984, 1990 and 1998.