
UK Data Service variable record for:

Labour Force Survey Two-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, January - June, 2005

Variable Details

LabelReasn wrkd few.hrs than usual in rf wk
1 Number of hours or OT varies 5112
2 Bank holiday 2180
3 Maternity or paternity leave 267
4 Other leave or holiday 2826
5 Sick or injured 1025
6 Training course away from workplace 139
7 Started new job or changed jobs 16
8 Ended job and did not start new one 27
9 Ld off,st-time,interrupn - bad weather 36
10 Ld off,st-time,interrupn - labour disp. 0
11 Ld off,st-time,int - econ/other reason 49
12 Other personal or family reasons 169
13 Other reasons 334
-9 Does not apply 33026
-8 No answer 4
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationLabour Force Survey Two-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, January - June, 2005