
UK Data Service variable record for:

Road Accident Data, 2007

Variable Details

LabelVeh. Location - Restr. Lane/Away frm Main Carriageway
0 On main carriageway - not restr. lane 327699
1 Tram/Light rail track 334
2 Bus lane 1322
3 Busway (inc guided busway) 340
4 Cycle lane (on main carriageway) 532
5 Cycleway/shared use footway (not part of main carriageway) 287
6 On lay-by or hard shoulder 925
7 Entering lay-by or hard shoulder 218
8 Leaving lay-by or hard shoulder 489
9 Footway (pavement) 2819
99 Undefined 1
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationRoad Accident Data, 2007