
UK Data Service variable record for:

Scottish Election Study, 2007

Variable Details

LabelIf 'other' quality, please specify
Be honest and communicate 1
Broad mindedness - being able to look beyond Scotland, no racism towards the English 1
Christian faith 1
Depends on the issue 1
Get their noses out of the trough and work for the benefit of the majority in Scotland, NOT a minority group 1
Honesty - implement the proposed policies by which they have won votes. 1
Honesty,integrity 1
I think it is about a balance between all of these things, they have to believe in what they represent personally, what they think is best for their area and there would be little point of being part of a party if you did not feel some sort of unity. They 1
I think the Scottish Parliament should be abolished 1
Look out for the interests of those who need their input most 1
MSPs should be intelligent, honest and altruistic 1
Principles 1
Speak up for Scotland 1
They should have the interests of ALL Scotland to the front of their mind, in preference to local issues 1
To defend the Union. 1
To look at developing the Scottish economy and following policies which help scottish people. 1
To represent the people who voted for them. 1
To speak up for the people with least money and power 1
To work in the best interests of the nation 1
a sense of fairness for all people 1
ignore party politics 1
integrity, total honesty and a business mind 1
just to be slightly competent 1
loyal to the public who voted to his or her's party (don't tell lies) 1
not be corrupt 1
speak for area and help individual voters. one persons problem will highlight a general problem suffered by many 1
they should be put down 1
to do what is best for scotland 1
to do what they believe to be right for the good of their constituents and the country 1
to speak their own mind and the area they represent, speak up for injustice regardless ofparty politics 1
to spend a lot of time in their area getting to know and help their constituents 1
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationScottish Election Study, 2007