
UK Data Service variable record for:

Childcare and Early Years Provision: Parents' Survey, 2007

Variable Details

LabelIncome resp receives: if resp receives tax credits
1 Earnings from employment or self-employment 5212
2 State retirement pension 16
3 Pension from former employer 16
4 Private pension 7
5 Child Benefit 1625
6 Jobseeker s Allowance 26
7 Income Support 136
8 Housing Benefit / Council Tax Benefit 33
9 Sickness and Disability Benefit 11
10 Other State benefits 4
11 Interest from savings and investments (eg stocks and shares) 4
12 Child maintenance from a former husband/ wife/ partner 5
13 Student grant 4
14 Other kinds of regular allowance from outside your household 2
15 No source of income 11
-9 Don't know 10
-8 Refusal 7
-2 Outlying value removed 0
-1 7
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationChildcare and Early Years Provision: Parents' Survey, 2007