
UK Data Service variable record for:

British Crime Survey, 2007-2008

Variable Details

LabelHRP Socio-Economic Classification (NS-SEC): Operational Categories
1 Employers in large organisations 120
2 Higher managerial occupations 669
3.1 Higher professional occupations: Traditional employees 1794
3.2 Higher professional occupations: New employees 702
3.3 Higher professional occupations: Traditional self-employed 493
3.4 Higher professional occupations: New self-employed 113
4.1 Lower professional and technical: Traditional employees 5045
4.2 Lower professional and technical: New employees 345
4.3 Lower professional and technical: Traditional self-employed 553
4.4 Lower professional and technical: New-self employed 46
5 Lower managerial occupations 5711
6 Higher supervisory occupations 1949
7.1 Intermediate clerical and administrative 1912
7.2 Intermediate sales and service 1542
7.3 Intermediate technical and auxiliary 412
7.4 Intermediate engineering 209
8.1 Employers in small organisations (non-professional) 1174
8.2 Employers in small organisations (agriculture) 95
9.1 Own account workers (non-professional) 3559
9.2 Own account workers (agriculture) 265
10 Lower supervisory occupations 3707
11.1 Lower technical craft 1442
11.2 Lower technical process operative 396
12.1 Semi-routine sales 1538
12.2 Semi-routine service 2137
12.3 Semi-routine technical 682
12.4 Semi-routine operative 1059
12.5 Semi-routine agricultural 155
12.6 Semi-routine clerical 431
12.7 Semi-routine childcare 313
13.1 Routine sales and service 639
13.2 Routine production 877
13.3 Routine technical 2462
13.4 Routine operative 2138
13.5 Routine agricultural 49
14.1 Never worked 1070
14.2 Long-term unemployed 0
15 Full-time students 770
16 Occupation not stated/inadequately described 277
17 Not classed for other reasons 133
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationBritish Crime Survey, 2007-2008