
UK Data Service variable record for:

Continuous Household Survey, 2007-2008

Variable Details

LabelDo any of the things listed on the showcard put you off doing sport/physical activity?
Question text Do any of the things listed on the showcard put you off doing sport/physical activity? Response 5
0 Question not asked 0
1 I get short of breath 0
2 I get tired easily 5
3 I m not fit 3
4 I m too old 2
5 I m not good at sport/physical activity 16
6 I don t have enough time 7
7 I m not interested in sport/physical act 17
8 I m overweight 18
9 I find it embarrassing to exercise in fr 10
10 I find sport/physical activity boring 4
11 I have a medical condition that restrict 30
12 I find it embarrassing to change in fron 6
13 I have a disability 18
14 There is a lack of facilities or clubs i 6
15 It is too far or difficult to travel to 5
16 I am too busy at work 8
17 I have family commitments 16
18 English is not my first language and I h 0
19 other 0
-3 Refused 0
-1 Dont Know 0
Sysmiss 4786
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationContinuous Household Survey, 2007-2008
Interviewer InstructionsSHOW CARD 23. PLEASE CODE ALL THAT APPLY
UniversePrivate households in Northern Ireland.;Households;National
SamplingMulti-stage stratified random sample;The sample is drawn as a simple random sample from three strata. The first of these strata is the Belfast District Council area. The other two are formed by dividing the remainder of the province into East and West along district council boundaries. Within each of these strata a simple random sample of addresses is drawn, with size proportional to the distribution of domestic addresses on the rating list.
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study. Data are collected annually.