
UK Data Service variable record for:

Annual Population Survey, October 2007 - September 2008

Variable Details

LabelType of (other) New Deal option
1 Still on Gway or having advisory int 156
3 Work with empl in the Publ or Priv Sect 32
4 Working for the voluntary sector 10
5 Working for an environmental task force 1
6 In full time study on an approved course 15
7 Receiving help setting up as self empl 8
8 Basic Employment Training Training BET 21
9 Educ and Training Opportunities (ETO) 13
19 Or on the Follow Through Scheme 24
97 Don't know 25
-9 Does not apply 346605
-8 No answer 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationAnnual Population Survey, October 2007 - September 2008