
UK Data Service variable record for:

Quarterly Labour Force Survey Eurostat Dataset, Quarter Two, 2006

Variable Details

LabelHighest level of education of training successfully completed
0 No formal education or below ISCED1 185
10 ISCED 0-1 0
11 ISCED 1 0
21 ISCED 2 10848
22 ISCED 3c (shorter than 3 years) 10023
30 ISCED 3 (without distinction) 5691
31 ISCED 3c (3 years and more) 14566
32 ISCED 3a,b 12745
33 ISCED 3c (3 years or longer) or ISCED 4c 0
34 ISCED 3b or ISCED 4b 0
35 ISCED 3a or ISCED 4a 0
36 ISCED 3 or 4 (without distinction a,b or c possible) 0
41 ISCED 4a,b 81
42 ISCED 4c 0
43 ISCED 4(without distinction a,b or c possible) 0
51 ISCED 5b 5813
52 ISCED 5a 13369
60 ISCED 6 568
99 Not applicable 23341
Sysmiss 23421
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationQuarterly Labour Force Survey Eurostat Dataset, Quarter Two, 2006
UniverseRespondents to the UK QLFS; see main QLFS documentation for details.;National
SamplingSee main QLFS documentation for details.
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study. Data are collected quarterly.