
UK Data Service variable record for:

Labour Force Survey Annual Eurostat Dataset, 2006

Variable Details

LabelNumber of hours per week usually worked in main job
0 Usual hours cannot be given because hours worked vary 1128
1 33
2 137
3 117
4 288
5 248
6 370
7 207
8 598
9 159
10 723
11 101
12 662
13 119
14 364
15 783
16 1167
17 202
18 745
19 183
20 1684
21 406
22 706
23 213
24 753
25 991
26 336
27 249
28 522
29 147
30 1689
31 151
32 666
33 204
34 300
35 2579
36 1230
37 2971
38 4600
39 1542
40 6916
41 624
42 2332
43 643
44 1183
45 2620
46 781
47 562
48 1464
49 314
50 2697
51 185
52 500
53 124
54 267
55 852
56 210
57 109
58 172
59 61
60 1379
61 27
62 86
63 33
64 54
65 237
66 47
67 18
68 48
69 14
70 308
71 5
72 79
73 6
74 9
75 59
76 10
77 12
78 10
79 3
80 Worked 80 hours or more in the first job 333
99 Not applicable 64614
Sysmiss 371
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationLabour Force Survey Annual Eurostat Dataset, 2006
UniverseRespondents to the UK QLFS; see main QLFS documentation for details.;National
SamplingSee main QLFS documentation for details.
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study