
UK Data Service variable record for:

International Passenger Survey, 2009

Variable Details

LabelNationality of passport code
0100 18390
0160 2
0200 2
0210 395
0310 7
0330 2
0340 11
0500 27
0700 251
0800 177
1000 159
1100 79
1200 33
1600 27
1700 16
1800 13
2000 39
2100 17
2200 27
2300 73
2500 98
2600 13
2710 1
2720 7
2730 1
2740 1
2750 9
2760 2
3000 31
3010 68
3030 30
3040 52
3050 60
3060 541
3080 3
3090 23
3110 2
3130 3
3150 2
3170 25
3180 66
3220 11
3230 1
3500 4
3510 1
3520 2
3530 1
3540 1
3550 5
4010 8
4020 32
4100 7
4120 1
4130 2
4140 2
4150 1
4160 4
4200 29
4300 3
4530 1
4540 2
4580 1
4590 1
4700 1
4720 1
4750 1
4760 2
4810 4
4840 1
4850 3
5000 96
5100 39
5200 1
5510 2
5550 3
5700 4
5720 12
5730 2
5740 2
5750 19
5770 2
6020 12
6030 2
6040 12
6050 44
6060 11
6070 15
6100 139
6200 48
6500 37
6510 4
6560 12
6590 3
6600 16
6630 9
6640 11
6650 7
6800 71
6820 2
7010 3
7020 4
7050 1
7320 1
7330 1
7370 1
7510 1
7600 3
7610 19
7620 3
7640 3
7650 2
7680 2
7740 1
8000 54
8100 151
9960 3
9980 1
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationInternational Passenger Survey, 2009