
UK Data Service variable record for:

International Passenger Survey, 2009

Variable Details

LabelDate of shift
01012009 55
01022009 229
01032009 169
02012009 389
02032009 127
03012009 165
03022009 134
03032009 87
04012009 121
04022009 182
04032009 88
05012009 158
05022009 22
05032009 299
06012009 277
06022009 128
06032009 95
07012009 88
07022009 210
07032009 129
08012009 117
08022009 150
08032009 176
09012009 80
09022009 127
09032009 122
10012009 188
10022009 149
10032009 190
11012009 221
11022009 84
11032009 203
12012009 166
12022009 45
12032009 4
13012009 99
13022009 373
13032009 176
14012009 103
14022009 52
14032009 114
15012009 164
15022009 108
15032009 262
16012009 112
16022009 264
16032009 133
17012009 171
17022009 62
17032009 71
18012009 190
18022009 167
18032009 69
19012009 89
19022009 256
19032009 91
20012009 174
20022009 79
20032009 220
21012009 150
21022009 429
21032009 167
22012009 99
22022009 176
22032009 242
23012009 74
23022009 192
23032009 125
24012009 85
24022009 60
24032009 147
25012009 215
25022009 169
25032009 176
26012009 158
26022009 288
26032009 197
27012009 78
27022009 48
27032009 106
28012009 195
28022009 128
28032009 205
29012009 121
29032009 102
30012009 97
30032009 173
31012009 36
31032009 177
Pseudo 15
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationInternational Passenger Survey, 2009