
UK Data Service variable record for:

Labour Force Survey Five-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, April 2008 - June 2009

Variable Details

LabelNS-SEC category (main job)
1.0 Employers in large organisations 3
10.0 Lower supervisory occupations 456
11.1 Lower technical craft 121
11.2 Lower technical process operative 22
12.1 Semi routine sales 279
12.2 Semi routine services 321
12.3 Semi routine technical 56
12.4 Semi routine operative 86
12.5 Semi routine agricultural 6
12.6 Semi routine clerical 77
12.7 Semi routine childcare 108
13.1 Routine sales and service 84
13.2 Routine production 54
13.3 Routine technical 228
13.4 Routine operative 264
13.5 Routine agricultural 9
14.1 Never worked 183
14.2 Long-term unemployed 47
15.0 Full-time students 311
16.0 Not classified or inadequately stated 867
17.0 Not classifiable for other reasons 0
2.0 Higher managerial occupations 333
3.1 Higher professional traditional employee 296
3.2 Higher professional new employee 111
3.3 Higher professional traditional self emp 84
3.4 Higher professional new self emp 21
4.1 Lower professional traditional employee 798
4.2 Lower professional new employee 35
4.3 Lower professional traditional self emp 76
4.4 Lower professional new self emp 8
5.0 Lower managerial occupations 418
6.0 Higher supervisory occupations 236
7.1 Intermediate clerical and administrative 390
7.2 Intermediate sales and service 253
7.3 Intermediate technical and auxiliary 74
7.4 Intermediate engineering 12
8.1 Employers in small orgs non-professional 116
8.2 Employers in small orgs agriculture 12
9.1 Own account workers non professional 414
9.2 Own account workers agriculture 31
-8 No answer 0
-9 Does not apply 100
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationLabour Force Survey Five-Quarter Longitudinal Dataset, April 2008 - June 2009