
UK Data Service variable record for:

Living in Wales: Household Survey, 2008

Variable Details

LabelMain reason why you are not currently participating (MTCL6)
1 Lack of time 225
2 Unable to arrange childcare 13
3 I don't know where to go 373
4 Opportunities to participate are not advertised 231
5 The people who attend these kinds of events are always the ' 5
6 My involvement won't /doesn't make a difference 14
7 I'm not rewarded for my time 1
8 Meetings are always arranged at inconvenient times 6
9 Issues discussed are not important to me 0
10 Public services only involve you after they have made decisi 5
11 I don't think I will be listened to 18
12 Events are poorly organised 5
13 Events are not very interactive 1
14 Meetings are ineffective 4
15 Other (write in) 146
16 Don't know 13
Sysmiss 6661
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationLiving in Wales: Household Survey, 2008