
UK Data Service variable record for:

Living in Wales: Household Survey; 2006, 2007 and 2008 Combined Data Files

Variable Details

LabelGross self-employed income - part 2 (annual) (Q167)
-1 Answered in other part 8
1 £36,400 less than £37,000 19
2 £37,000 less than £38,000 6
3 £38,000 less than £39,000 3
4 £39,000 less than £40,000 5
5 £40,000 less than £41,000 5
6 £41,000 less than £42,000 4
7 £42,000 less than £43,000 1
8 £43,000 less than £44,000 4
9 £44,000 less than £45,000 0
10 £45,000 less than £46,000 3
11 £46,000 less than £47,000 0
12 £47,000 less than £48,000 1
13 £48,000 less than £49,000 2
14 £49,000 less than £50,000 4
15 £50,000 less than £60,000 11
16 £60,000 less than £70,000 6
17 £70,000 less than £80,000 6
18 £80,000 less than £90,000 6
19 £90,000 less than £100,000 1
20 £100,000 less than £150,000 4
21 £150,000 less than £200,000 2
22 £200,000 or more 4
Sysmiss 36584
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationLiving in Wales: Household Survey; 2006, 2007 and 2008 Combined Data Files