
UK Data Service variable record for:

Scottish Crime and Justice Survey, 2008-2009

Variable Details

LabelFINLOFFC: Offence code (assigned by Scottish Govt)
-4 Not Applicable 4775
1 Duplicate Crime 37
2 Serious assault 20
3 Petty assault 49
4 Serious assault and fire raising 0
5 Serious assault and housebreaking 0
6 Other assault outside the survey's coverage 10
7 Attempted assault 31
8 Rape 0
9 Serious assault with sexual motive 3
10 Assault with sexual motive 2
11 Attempted rape 1
12 Indecent assault 2
13 Indecent exposure 0
14 Rape and housebreaking 0
15 Serious assault with sexual motive and housebreaking 0
16 Sexual offence outside the survey's coverage 0
17 Robbery 10
18 Attempted robbery 12
19 Snatch theft from the person 3
20 Other theft from the person 5
21 Attempted theft from the person 1
22 Possibly theft but could have been loss/possibly attempted t 1
23 Other robbery or theft from the person outside the survey's 0
24 Attempted housebreaking to non-connected domestic garage/out 7
25 Housebreaking in a dwelling (nothing taken) 6
26 Housebreaking in a dwelling (Something taken) 9
27 Attempted housebreaking in a dwelling 21
28 Possible attempted housebreaking (insufficient evidence to b 6
29 Theft in a dwelling 35
30 Theft from a meter 0
31 Housebreaking from non-connected domestic garage/outhouse - 6
32 Housebreaking from non-connected domestic garage/outhouse - 9
33 Other housebreaking, attempted housebreaking, theft in a dwe 8
34 Theft of car/van 8
35 Theft from car/van 29
36 Theft of motorbike, motorscooter or moped 0
37 Theft from motorbike, motorscooter or moped 0
38 Theft of pedal cycle 15
39 Theft from outside dwelling (excluding theft of milk bottles 35
40 Theft of milk bottles from outside dwelling 1
41 Other theft 27
42 Possible theft, possible lost property 5
43 Other theft/attempted theft falling outside survey's coverag 31
44 Attempted theft of/from car/van 16
45 Attempted theft of/from motorcycle, motor scooter or moped 0
46 Other attempted theft 16
47 Attempted theft falling outside survey's coverage 5
48 Fire raising 5
49 Vandalism to a motor vehicle 51
50 Vandalism to the home 97
51 Other vandalism 11
52 Possibly vandalism/possibly accidental damage/nuisance with 65
53 Attempted vandalism (no damage actually achieved) 13
54 Other vandalism outside survey's coverage 8
55 Threat to kill/assault made against, but not necessarily to 32
56 Sexual threat made against, but not necessarily to responden 1
57 Other threat or intimidation made against, but not necessari 32
58 Threats against others, made to the respondent 2
59 Crime outside of reference period 0
60 Crime committed outside of Scotland 1
61 Other threats/intimidation outside survey's coverage 9
62 No crime committed 79
63 Insufficient information to code 109
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationScottish Crime and Justice Survey, 2008-2009