
UK Data Service variable record for:

British Crime Survey, 2008-2009

Variable Details

LabelWhich contact with police was the most recent
1 To report a crime where you/someone in household was victim 867
2 To report a crime where someone else NOT IN HHLD was victim 256
4 To report a traffic accident or medical emergency 170
5 To report a burglar alarm ringing 37
6 To report a car alarm going off 4
7 To report any other suspicious circumstances or persons 259
8 To report any type of disturbance, noise or nuisance 275
9 To report a missing person 40
10 To report that you had lost something 75
11 To report that you had found something 63
12 To tell them that your home was going to be empty 10
13 To report any other type of problem or difficulty 191
15 To ask for any other sort of advice or information 125
16 To give them any other sort of information 204
99 3
Sysmiss 43707
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationBritish Crime Survey, 2008-2009