11 |
Corporate managers |
1414 |
12 |
Managers and proprietors in agriculture and services |
490 |
21 |
Science and technology professionals |
359 |
22 |
Health professionals |
115 |
23 |
Teaching and research professionals |
702 |
24 |
Business and public service professionals |
377 |
31 |
Science and technology associate professionals |
238 |
32 |
Health and social welfare associate professionals |
511 |
33 |
Protective service occupations |
130 |
34 |
Culture, media and sports occupations |
254 |
35 |
595 |
41 |
Administrative occupations |
1345 |
42 |
Secretarial and related occupations |
556 |
51 |
Skilled agricultural trades |
142 |
52 |
Skilled metal and electrical trades |
572 |
53 |
Skilled construction and building trades |
499 |
54 |
Textiles, printing and other skilled trades |
302 |
61 |
Caring personal service occupations |
901 |
62 |
Leisure and other personal service occupations |
309 |
71 |
Sales occupations |
982 |
72 |
Customer service occupations |
158 |
81 |
Process, plant and machine operatives |
671 |
82 |
Transport and mobile machine drivers and operatives |
466 |
91 |
Elementary trades, plant and storage related occupations |
560 |
92 |
Elementary administration and service occupations |
1523 |
-9 |
No answer/refused |
21 |
-8 |
Don't know |
6 |
-2 |
Schedule not applicable |
0 |
-1 |
Item not applicable |
8425 |