2 |
1 |
2 manhole covers & frames need reseating |
1 |
2no replace gully grates |
1 |
Broken I C cover |
1 |
Broken chamber cover. |
1 |
Broken manhole cover |
1 |
Drain to cesspool regularly blocks - system needs emptying |
1 |
Gully surround to stack missing-needs reinstating |
1 |
Gutter floods to ground floor when gf occupant uses washing machine. |
1 |
Has flooded once during very wet period |
1 |
Leak at base of soil pipe. Foul water onto yard. |
1 |
Lower manhole cover. Trip hazard. |
1 |
Manhole cover to inspection chamber on RH side appears to be sunken. |
1 |
back up from time to time |
1 |
bath waste disconnected flooding yard. |
1 |
blocked gully |
1 |
blocked gully adjacent to stack and evidence drain blocked |
1 |
blocked yard gulley |
1 |
blocks occassinally |
1 |
blocks up periodically council maintain |
1 |
broken cover and surrounds and collapsed drains |
1 |
broken drain gully and gully surround needs repair |
1 |
broken inspection chamber cover |
1 |
broken soil stack connection |
1 |
chamber being repaired at time of inspection. |
1 |
check i.c. for blockage, rod out as necessary |
1 |
collapsed run c 5m - awaiting repair |
1 |
cracked grid cover causing leaves & things to catch & causes flooding |
1 |
cracked train serving block.Confirmed by tenant.Camera survey confirmed. |
1 |
cracks to bunching etc. |
1 |
defective+loose brickwork to chamber top (1) |
1 |
disrepair to gully-allowing waste water leakage over yard |
1 |
drain blocked |
1 |
drainage system inoperative because of ongoing demolition work. |
1 |
drainage ug.needs checking because path all broken up |
1 |
drains in course of replacement - unfinished |
1 |
drains sometimes back up |
1 |
drains will not carry run off during heavy storms |
1 |
external wc cistern and pan removed/stolen-open drain connection |
1 |
fairly regular need to rod drains (household reports) |
1 |
flooded 20.07.2007 |
1 |
flooding cellar sump pum installed |
1 |
frequant blockage from connecting drain of the block-has been treated |
1 |
gulley surround and base of gulley cracked |
1 |
gully cover missing |
1 |
gully to be repaired |
1 |
hole around ic covers |
1 |
house flooded 20/07/2007 |
1 |
householder reports blockage in private sewer further down, under investigation for tree roots. |
1 |
inadequate in prolonged heavy rain - flooded in summer 07 up to garden fence. not extreme risk. |
1 |
increase size of gully in rear yard |
1 |
ineffective drainage resulting from disruption caused by demolition on adjacent site. |
1 |
insafficiant capacity? see notes |
1 |
insufficient capacity for the number of dwellings on the run? Regular blockages reported. |
1 |
leakage likely to underground pipework |
1 |
leaking bath and leaking toilet |
1 |
manhole cover broken |
3 |
manhole cover gaps around frame |
1 |
manhole cover not well fitted |
1 |
manhole defective needs repointing |
1 |
missing 1 c cover |
1 |
missing gulley cover |
1 |
missing gulley grate stones in drain pipe |
1 |
missing gully cover |
2 |
needs emptying |
1 |
new manhole cover needed |
1 |
not adequate to cope with torential rain conditions |
1 |
ongoing problem with village sewer and sewarage company is aware of problem |
1 |
out let blocked by dyke full from recent rain |
1 |
outside structures demolished maybe toilet but no signs of drains |
1 |
persistant problem of waste water backing up into flat, hence void |
1 |
pitch fire pipe distorted & regularly block |
1 |
poorly fitted and blocks on a regular basis |
1 |
rainwater leaking into cesspool causing frequent emptying |
1 |
regular blockage with private sewer |
1 |
renew underground drainage. collapsed |
1 |
replace missing gulley cover |
1 |
replacement gully cover required |
1 |
roots in main foul drain run |
1 |
sink overflow blocked |
1 |
storm drain occasionally cannot cope with flash storms |
1 |
sunken MH frame/cover to inspection chamber |
1 |
sunken paving adjacent to broken gully collapse drain |
1 |
surface water insufficient during very wet periods garden floods. |
1 |
surface water soakaway backs up and floods |
1 |
suspect leaking drain causing differential movement |
1 |
tree roots entering old drains |
1 |
waste water rear gully broken |
1 |
work in progress |
1 |