
UK Data Service variable record for:

Taking Part: the National Survey of Culture, Leisure and Sport, 2009-2010; Adult and Child Data

Variable Details

LabelHRP economic status in last week [respondent or non-respondent]
1 Paid work 3539
2 Government training scheme 11
3 Away from job / waiting to take up job 100
4 Unpaid work 19
5 Looking for work 151
6 Student 76
7 Looking after family/home 253
8 Temporarily sick/ill 30
9 Long-term sick/ill 215
10 Retired 1682
11 Other 21
-3 Excluded from filter 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationTaking Part: the National Survey of Culture, Leisure and Sport, 2009-2010; Adult and Child Data