
UK Data Service variable record for:

Integrated Household Survey, April 2009 - March 2010

Variable Details

LabelOn government scheme
Question text Last week, that is in the seven days ending Sunday the REFDAY of REFMNTH, were you on any of the following schemes... Work-Based training for young people, New Deal, Work-Based Learning for Adults/Training for Work, Job Skills, Worktrack, Entry to employment, any other training scheme, or none of these?
1 Work based training for young people 156
2 New Deal 401
3 Work based learning for Adults 153
10 Job Skills 3
21 Entry to employment 203
50 Any other training scheme 809
66 Not on training scheme 272554
97 Just 16 and non-response this time 189
-9 DNA 174862
-8 DK/Ref 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationIntegrated Household Survey, April 2009 - March 2010
Interviewer InstructionsRunning prompt 'WBT for Young People' (GB only) replaced YT and includes Modern Apprenticeships, NVQ Learning and Life Skills - {blanked for >25 and NI}. 'New Deal' includes those still on the Gateway {blanked for under 18}. 'Job Skills' (NI only) replaced the Youth and Job Training Programmes. 'Worktrack' (NI only) provides temporary employment to unemployed adults who are not eligible for New Deal
UniversePersons resident in the UK in private households, and young people living away from the parental home in student halls of residence or similar institutions during term time.;National
SamplingEach of the surveys comprising the IHS have their own sampling design, meaning that the IHS includes clustered and non-clustered, multistage and single stage component samples and also cross-sectional and longitudinal data.
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study