
UK Data Service variable record for:

British Election Study Nine-Wave Panel Survey, 2005-2010

Variable Details

LabelParty Identification-Other Party
Question text You said you generally think of yourself as an ‘other’ party. Please say here what this is:
All the parties are the same 1
Anything left 1
Christian Democrat 1
Christian democrat 1
English Democrat 2
English Democratic party 1
English Democrats 1
English democrat 1
I dont think of myself of anyone in particular 1
No party, consider myself a libertarian nationalist 1
None of the above 1
Old fashioned socialist with no party representing my views 1
Open-minded 1
Respect 4
Scottish National Party 1
Socialist 1
The English Democrats 2
True Liberal - never a "Liberal Democrat" 1
__NA__ 2989
any party that has good policies 1
at the present moment NOTA, but leaning toward Gordon Brown due to vilification in the media 1
christian alliance 1
cpa 1
dk 1
english nationalist 1
floating 1
green 1
independent 1
jedi 1
liberal 1
local indepndent dr tun 1
loony 1
marxist 1
raving looney party 1
scottish socialist 1
socialist 1
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationBritish Election Study Nine-Wave Panel Survey, 2005-2010
Interviewer InstructionsOPEN TEXTBOX
UniverseElectors resident in Great Britain during 2005-2009.;National
SamplingQuota sample
Study TypeLongitudinal/panel/cohort; The dataset contains six survey waves.