
UK Data Service variable record for:

British Election Study Nine-Wave Panel Survey, 2005-2010

Variable Details

LabelParty Identification-Other Party
Question text You said you generally think of yourself as an 'other' party. Please say here what this is:
'British' 1
Anarchist 1
Anti all 1
Christian Alliance 1
Christian People's Alliance 2
Don't step on me Liberal 1
Durham Taxpayers Alliance 1
English Democrats 1
I agree with some ideas from several parties - all ideas from none 1
I look on myself as an independent and do not folow party lines. 1
Independent 1
Liberal 1
Monster Raving Loony 1
Respect 6
Scottish Socialist 1
Scottish socialist party 2
Senior Citizens' Party 1
Socialist 7
Socialist Labour Party 1
Socialist Workers Party 1
The proverbial 'floating voter 1
Third Way 1
Veritas 1
a party which will finally talk sense 1
an Independent,regretfully have not one in my area 1
christian 1
communist 2
democracy - it started to fail to exist in the UK under Thatcher 1
disillusioned with Cameron but would like to be Conservative 1
floating voter 1
formerley labour 1
free independent 1
independant 1
independent 1
libertarian socialist 1
my own personal politics 1
old labour 1
private 1
respect 4
socialist 3
socialist - but Labour isn't socialist any more 1
ssp 1
the Common sense party! 1
ukip 1
womens army 1
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationBritish Election Study Nine-Wave Panel Survey, 2005-2010
UniverseElectors resident in Great Britain during 2005-2009.;National
SamplingQuota sample
Study TypeLongitudinal/panel/cohort; The dataset contains six survey waves.