
UK Data Service variable record for:

British Election Study Nine-Wave Panel Survey, 2005-2010

Variable Details

LabelF Crisis Resp-Which Other People
Question text Which other people or organizations do you think are responsible?
"watchdog" financial authorities 1
? 2
A 1
Accountants, auditors, advisers 1
Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke 1
All banks worldwide, IMF and sister organisations, Our Parliament and politicians, Media 1
All business - we built up a society based on increasing consumerism that is simply not indefinitely sustainable so a crash was inevitable at some point. 1
All those pushing debt 1
American banks/financiers 1
Anyone who believed that the boom could not end 1
Anyone who measures success by growth. 1
Auditors and accountants 1
Bank of England 1
Basel Mark to Market, FSA, Clinton & Democrats mortgage for all policy 1
Ben Bernanke convincing Alan Greenspan deflation was on the way 1
Big business/conglomerates in general 1
Big businesses 1
Bilderberg - The Global Elite 1
Bill Clinton 2
Bill Clinton - Housing regulations 1
Bill Clinton's Administration 1
Bill Clinton, Larry Summers, Tim Geitner 1
Businesses not assessing risk 1
Capitalist system 1
Capitalists 1
CitySlickers e.g. brokers and the ilk and Gordon Brown for letting it happen. Gambling is Gambling 1
Conglomerates 1
Credit Ratings Agencies 1
Credit card companies; people who have borrowed far too much; anyone who has encouraged or condoned excessive borrowing 1
DK 3
DN 1
Don't know 3
Don`t know 1
Economists and think tanks 1
F.S.A. 1
FSA & other regulators, central banks. 1
FSA, Bank of England, Treasury, SEC, US Treasury 1
FSA/Bank of England 1
Fat Cat investors, and those who enveigle big bonuses for thermselves 1
Financial Market and housing Speculators 1
Financial regulators & central banks 1
Financial services industry 1
Financial watchdogs 1
Financiers People on High Salaries & BOnuses 1
Free market fundamentalists 1
Global corporations 1
Government macroeconomist theorists 1
Greedy Multi National Corporations 1
Greedy bankers who seem to be able to legally gamble other people's money without being held responsible 1
Greedy politicians robbing the British public. 1
Greens/Environmentalists; UN; China; Arab World 1
Hedge Fund Managers etc 1
Hedge Funds 1
Hedge fund managers 1
Hedge fund managers; regulators 1
Hedge funds etc 1
Hedge funds, speculators 1
I believe that there is a background body of men /bankerscontrolling thr world economy, even the Masonry cult 1
I ticked that in error but can't go back! 1
Insider dealers - those 'in the know' who used their position to rip us off. 1
Investment Bankers 1
Investment arms for driving companies to increase earnings and stretch resources e.g. why was a little Bank such as RBS supported in bid to purchase much larger NatWest? 1
Investment banks and otehr financial institutions 1
Investment companies / hedge funds 1
Irresponsible lenders generally 1
Israeli Government 1
Large (multinational) companies 1
Large multinational companies 1
MPs 1
Major Corporations 1
Many governments and financial institutions. 1
Media reporters hyping everything up 1
Mortgage Lenders 1
Muslims 1
N/A 1
Numerous company directors and their payouts 1
Organizations which advise the financial markets 1
Other European financial institutions 1
Other countries banks and governments 1
People spending beyond their means 1
People that bet on these things 1
People who are not named, therefore underground 1
People who borrow recklessly and live beyond their means 1
People who have fleeced this country because they are too greedy 1
People who lied to borrow money, which they had no ability to pay back 1
People who live outside thier means on credit 1
People who took on debt they could not afford, and Alan Greenspan 1
People/institutions expecting consistent high nominal returns in a low-inflation environment. Also leverage-maniacs 1
Public utilities who have profiteered 1
Queen Elizabeth II, Saudis 1
Realtors/estate agents, investment banks 1
Regulators i.e. FSA 1
Rhymes with 'four by twos' 1
Some individuals and organisations who borrowed too much. 1
Speculators 1
Speculators, Big Business 1
Stocks market 1
Thatcher and Reagan 1
The American mortgage companies that sold sub-prime loans 1
The Conservative Party 1
The IMF and the EU demands for financial aid for other countries 1
The Illuminati 1
The Media 1
The Regulators 1
The general public 2
The media 1
The media-over hype 1
The phrase "Cui Bono?" comes to mind (i.e., who's done well out of it and is laughing about it all?). Taking an overview, the wealthy and powerful have all escaped largely unscathed. The pain and loss is entirely inflicted upon the poor, vulnerable, defen 1
The public in general for living well beyond their means. Unfortunately I fear that lessons will not have been learnt and we are hell bent in returning to our old ways as soon as the present "hiccup" has passed. 1
The regulators and the credit rating agencies 1
The rich 1
The whole world's economy as every country is linked with what one's actions directly related to another 1
Those who financed their lifestyle on credit 1
Those who have borrowed heavily 1
Tony Blair 5
Traders, incompetent auditors and immoral executives 1
US Federal Reserve - Greenspan 1
Venture Capitalists and Pension / Hedge Funds 1
Voters and media 1
World Bank 1
__NA__ 3136
all of us - for being too consumerist 1
anyone with money 1
bad investments lending money 1
bankers 1
banking regulators, Fannie Mae, Fannie Mac etc 1
banks 2
benefit fraudsters 1
big businesses 1
bill clinton 1
borrowers and irresponsible lenders 1
businesses 2
buy to let house owners 1
capitalist globalisation as a whole 1
cheap labour force upset world economy (supply/demand) ie cheap indian/chinese labour & firms 1
china 2
city firms 1
consumers who borrowed too much 1
credit and loan companies 1
credit rating agencies, hedge funds 1
dk 8
don't know 1
emigrants , drug addicts ,yobs 1
estate agents 1
estate agents, bad debters 1
everyone 1
everyone who takes a bonus for doing the work they are paid to do, plus high expenses, ordinary workers do not get these perks 1
everyones general greed 1
eveyone who gets paid too much, singers, actors, doctors, politicians etc. No-one should get millions of pounds. 1
financial companies 1
financial regulators 1
financial regulators; all of us 1
financial services authority 1
financial speculators 2
financiers 2
gas suppliers, energy companies 1
global businesses 1
governments, banks 1
greedy companies, e.g british gas 1
greedy people 2
greedy speculators 1
hedge funds 2
high earners demanding huge salaries and avoiding or paying minimum taxes, consumers 1
high street lenders 1
icelandic banks 1
imf 1
individuals and institutions taking out too much credit 1
individuals who took advantage and put up prices 1
insurance companies 1
insurance compnies 1
internationak corporations 1
international organisations 1
investors & people who took out mortgages they couldnt afford 1
loans people 1
margaret thatcher 1
media 1
merchant bankers 1
merchant banks who sold motrgage parcels. 1
money markets 1
mortgage lenders 1
multi-national conglomerates 1
multi-nationals 1
multiple 1
n/a 1
na 3
none 2
not sure 1
oil companies 1
oil copanies putting profit before people 1
organisations generally 1
other banks & financial institutions in the world 1
other banks/governments 1
ourselves 1
people getting too much on credit, what happen to mend & make do? the younger people are a must have society, & in my book there is no such thing as must have it is just greed & snobbery 1
people in general - greed 1
people lending money they cannot pay back 1
people living beyond their means in an irresponsible fashion 1
people mis-using credit instead of waiting and saving 1
people who borrow and spend without the means of repayment. Often it's a lack of education about credit...which could be the government's responsibility, but i believe individuals should be held accountable for their actions and decisions and not just bla 1
people who live off debt rather than within their means. 1
people who packaged up bad securities with mortgages, sold them worldwide and lied about it and greedy people who were suckered into it and who all behaved unethically 1
people with too much money! 1
politics in general 1
private financiers 1
property speculators 1
regulatory bodies 1
rich stoke market 1
rothschilds, rockerfellers, warburgs etc. 1
speculators 2
speculators, regulators, rating organisations 1
spenders 1
stock market 1
terrorists 1
the general public 1
the greedy who cant afford to repay what they borrow 1
the media! They made everyone panic and stop spending! 1
the press 1
the price of war 1
those lending money and building up a large number who rely on credit 1
those that play the markets for things like grain 1
tony blair 2
tony blair,mandelson,alistair darling 1
v 1
we are all responsible ,too greedy and selfish 1
workplaces and their large salaries 1
world governments 1
world in general 1
xx 1
zionist neo-cons 1
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationBritish Election Study Nine-Wave Panel Survey, 2005-2010
Interviewer InstructionsOPEN TEXTBOX
UniverseElectors resident in Great Britain during 2005-2009.;National
SamplingQuota sample
Study TypeLongitudinal/panel/cohort; The dataset contains six survey waves.