
UK Data Service variable record for:

Understanding Society: Waves 1-4, 2009-2013

Variable Details

LabelCurrent job: SOC 2000 (condensed 3 digits version)
-9 missing 28
-8 inapplicable 22680
-7 proxy respondent 0
-1 don't know 187
111 Corporate managers and senior officials 84
112 Production managers 589
113 Functional managers 1160
114 Quality and customer care managers 115
115 Financial institution and office managers 430
116 Managers in distribution, storage and retailing 498
117 Protective service officers 52
118 Health and social services managers 241
121 Managers in farming, horticulture, forestry and services 78
122 Managers and proprietors in hospitality and leisure services 335
123 Managers and proprietors in other service industries 520
211 Science professionals 92
212 Engineering professionals 308
213 Information and communication technology professionals 459
221 Health professionals 320
231 Teaching professionals 1446
232 Research professionals 135
241 Legal professionals 155
242 Business and statistical professionals 398
243 Architects, town planners, surveyors 151
244 Public service professionals 202
245 Librarians and related professionals 39
311 Science and engineering technicians 175
312 Draughtspersons and building inspectors 51
313 It service delivery occupations 178
321 Health associate professionals 896
322 Therapists 138
323 Social welfare associate professionals 421
331 Protective service occupations 333
341 Artistic and literary occupations 196
342 Design associate professionals 157
343 Media associate professionals 202
344 Sports and fitness occupations 121
351 Transport associate professionals 66
352 Legal associate professionals 49
353 Business and finance associate professionals 464
354 Sales and related associate professionals 470
355 Conservation associate professionals 34
356 Public service and other associate professionals 486
411 Administrative occupations: government and related organisat 435
412 Administrative occupations: finance 777
413 Administrative occupations: records 459
414 Administrative occupations: communications 54
415 Administrative occupations: general 737
421 Secretarial and related occupations 718
511 Agricultural trades 231
521 Metal forming, welding and related trades 79
522 Metal machining, fitting and instrument making trades 288
523 Vehicle trades 174
524 Electrical trades 407
531 Construction trades 692
532 Building trades 203
541 Textiles and garments trades 44
542 Printing trades 49
543 Food preparation trades 411
549 Skilled trades nec 92
611 Healthcare and related personal services 1210
612 Childcare and related personal services 841
613 Animal care services 42
621 Leisure and travel service occupations 181
622 Hairdressers and related occupations 218
623 Housekeeping occupations 147
629 Personal services occupations nec 17
711 Sales assistants and retail cashiers 1629
712 Sales related occupations 186
721 Customer service occupations 416
811 Process operatives 283
812 Plant and machine operatives 161
813 Assemblers and routine operatives 261
814 Construction operatives 116
821 Transport drivers and operatives 976
822 Mobile machine drivers and operatives 133
911 Elementary agricultural occupations 66
912 Elementary construction occupations 170
913 Elementary process plant occupations 216
914 Elementary goods storage occupations 311
921 Elementary administration occupations 238
922 Elementary personal services occupations 900
923 Elementary cleaning occupations 759
924 Elementary security occupations 364
925 Elementary sales occupations 164
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationUnderstanding Society: Waves 1-4, 2009-2013