
UK Data Service variable record for:

Understanding Society: Waves 1-4, 2009-2013

Variable Details

Labelinterviewer:final outcome for household interview, = computed or unout
-9 missing 0
-8 inapplicable 0
0 outstanding 0
110 completed hhold & all individual interview 23555
210 completed hhold & at least 1 individual interview 6869
211 completed hhold but no individual interviews 83
214 completed individual interview(s) but no hhold interview 4
310 no contact after 6+ calls 889
320 contact made at add not with household member 180
321 contact made at add not with anyone at selected du 0
322 contact made at hhold but not with resp adult 55
328 contact made at du but not with selected hhold 0
330 contact made but no. not associated with hh 0
340 always answer phone/voicemail 0
351 always ringing not answered (no answering machine/voicemail) 1
354 always busy/engaged line 0
355 always fax/modem/data line/pager 0
356 always telecommunication technological barriers  - 1
357 technical phone problems 2
358 out of service or disconnected 12
359 other non-contact e.g. combination of 351 –358: record det 2
390 no contact with hh or stable contact 4
391 contact made but no subsequent contact 0
410 office refusal 802
421 contact made; information refused about address 0
422 contact made; information refused about household 1
428 contact made: information refused on no of hhlds 0
430 refusal before interview by selected respondent 3686
432 proxy refusal 166
440 refusal during interview (unproductive partial) 27
450 broken appointment no recontact 577
520 away or in hospital during survey period 12
530 physically or mentally unable/incompetent 0
541 language difficulties with hhold as a whole 23
543 hhld requires translation into one of 9 languages 10
550 lost on laptop 8
561 interview achieved but resp requested data delete 0
590 office approval only: other unproductive 443
599 split created in error - in office deletion (ouo) 0
611 office approval only: not issued to interviewer 29
612 office approval only: issued/ not attempted/ transferred to 105
652 address inaccessible 7
653 unable to locate address 32
671 certain hhold moved, no follow up address obtained 2114
672 address found but unable to attempt address 21
673 follow up address is in gb but is outside my area 70
674 follow up address is in ni 6
690 other unknown eligibilty 47
691 unable to determine eligibility, no contact made at address 25
782 all respondents no longer eligible - died 224
783 all respondents no longer eligible - live outside uk 340
784 hhold no longer eligible - tsm's only 356
785 hhld no longer eligible - merged with another hhld 0
786 not eligible - no longer eligible, merged with another hhold 1
790 other ineligible 69
830 unable to determine eligibility, contact made but hhold info 22
900 supervisor only: sent tracing letters & sent to iser for tra 13
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationUnderstanding Society: Waves 1-4, 2009-2013